Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1221

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1221

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1221

Chapter 1221 Stop with The Nonsense

When Carrie was proudly showing the photos and everyone was mocking Anthony, Kisa suddenly said, “My, my, Mrs. Mullen. You took pictures? Isn’t that too obvious? Are you afraid that people wouldn’t know that you’ve been trying to harm your brother-in-law?” Kisa had roughly sorted out who they were as she watched everything unfold. ‘That old lady must be Mrs. Mullen Sr., and everyone is afraid of her. Carrie must be her second daughter- in-law, the wife of her second son.’ Kisa even wondered if Mrs. Mullen Sr.’s second son was her own, judging by how she treated his wife. ‘As for Jane, she should be Anthony’s mother. The dynamic between the Mullen family members feels chaotic,’ she thought.

Carrie’s face suddenly changed when she heard what Kisa had said. “That’s outrageous. It just so happened that I took the photo. It wasn’t intentional.”

“The photo you ‘unintentionally’ took looks somewhat intentional, though. Look, everything in the photo is blurry except for Anthony and my friend. How can we believe that you didn’t take it on purpose?”

Carrie was at a loss for words. In the end, she snorted coldly, “Even if I did take the picture on purpose, it still can’t overturn the fact that Anthony brought this lowly woman into our home. Why is he denying it? He’s clearly guilty!”

“Hah. He denied it because even though he was the one who let her in, he doesn’t know her. Anthony was slightly startled when he heard that. He squinted his eyes and looked at Kisa in confusion, but Kisa did not bother to look at him. She was not trying to help him at that time. She was trying to help Lea.

“Your words are contradicting. Why would he let that lowly woman in if he doesn’t know her?” Carrie questioned.

“That’s because I asked him to bring her in for me,” Kisa replied with a smile. As she said that, she pulled Lea over and said, “Lea is my friend. I brought her to this banquet, but I asked Anthony to lead

her in because I had some matters to attend to. I don’t understand why you’re saying that they’re together.”

Kisa’s words stunned everyone.

“Impossible! You must be a bar girl too! I don’t know which men you came in here with, but you certainly don’t have the power to bring that bar girl in here,” Karen said in disdain.

Kisa pursed her lips coldly. She looked at Mrs. Mullen Sr., Karen Reyes, and Carrie as she said, “Mr. Mullen Sr. invited me because I’m the top celebrity in Athadale. I don’t need some unknown man to come here. I will gladly let you take a look at my invitation if you don’t believe me.” Kisa then took out her invitation card from her bag. Everyone stared at her in surprise. They did not think that she was a top celebrity.

Karen, on the other hand, looked disdainful and suspicious of her. “That invitation must be fake! Besides, so what if you are a star? This is a luxurious banquet for the upper class.

Everyone here is wealthy. Why would uncle invite a lowly entertainer like you?”

‘Of course, celebrities are nothing to these rich families.’ Kisa smiled at Karen and said, ” Stop the nonsense. Look at the invitation if you don’t believe me.”

Karen bit her lip and did not move. Jane then came over to take the invitation letter and respectfully handed it over to Mrs. Mullen. Sr.

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