Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1222

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1222

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1222

Chapter 1222 He Looks Down on Me

Mrs. Mullen. Sr. opened the letter and met Kisa’s well-mannered gaze. However, there was still a hint of contempt. She closed the invitation and returned it to her as she said, “That old man did invite you. It looks like you aren’t just some artist.”

Kisa smiled at her politely and said, “Thank you, Mrs. Mullen Sr. I came here from Athadale to celebrate Mr. Mullen Sr.’s birthday. I brought my friend here to enjoy the banquet, but I did not expect to be treated like this by the Mullen family.”

“Hah. Ms. Reyes is not from our family. Don’t put the blame on us if she’s the one who offended you and your friend. The Mullen family is the most respected family in Athadale.”

“What about her?” Kisa pointed at Carrie and asked. “She was the one who didn’t want to let my friend go.”

“It’s all just a misunderstanding, isn’t it? She thought your friend was a bar girl. Now that I think about it, that’s impossible. I mean, how could a big star like you befriend a bar girl?” There was a hint of sarcasm behind the old lady’s words, making people uncomfortable

Karen became anxious when she heard what Mrs. Mullen Sr. had said. “Auntie, she can’t bully me like this even if Uncle Mullen invited her. Everyone saw how she was the one who hit me first. Look, her handprint is still on my face, and my stomach is hurting from her kicks. My father ordered me to come here and celebrate Uncle Mullen’s birthday, but this is what I got. How could you allow this, Auntie?” As she spoke, she wiped her tears away, wanting to gain the pity of others. Several of her acquaintances began to accuse Kisa and Lea of bullying her when they saw her cry.

Then, an idea flashed in Carrie’s mind. “It’s pretty simple, actually. That woman is the one to blame,” she said with a smile and pointed at Lea with her slender fingers.

Lea could not help but flinch. Her eyes unconsciously glanced at Anthony, but she quickly looked away. She wanted him to stand up for her, but he did not. Sometimes, she wanted to understand his point of view, but this time, she was done. ‘If Kisa hadn’t come out just now, would he just watch me get framed and bullied like that? He obviously looks down on


Karen looked at her and agreed with Carrie. “Yeah, it’s all her fault. She stole from me.”

“What evidence do you have to prove that she’s the one who stole from you?” Kisa asked coldly. Karen pursed her lips into a smile, took out the diamond necklace, and said, “I found this necklace in her purse.”

Lea shook her head hastily. “It wasn’t me. She planted it.”

“Hah. So you’re saying the dignified lady of the Reyes family is framing you?” Carrie sneered. “Are you stupid? Why would she ever frame you with her status? You stole from her, and that’s that. I can’t believe you’re still trying to argue with us.”

“It really wasn’t me!” Lea held onto Kisa’s arm and cried helplessly. “I didn’t steal anything from her!” At that moment, she no longer counted on Anthony to save her. Anthony looked at her quietly, clenching his fists, while Jane held his arm tightly as she was afraid that he would put himself into muddy waters.

Kisa patted Lea’s hand and said in a low voice, “I believe you. Please, try to calm down. Remember to take care of your body.” Lea calmed down when she suddenly remembered the child in her womb.

Then, Kisa looked at Karen and said, “When did you realize that your necklace was missing?


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