Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1225

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1225

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1225

Chapter 1225 Crazy

Anthony narrowed his eyes instantly, and there was a frightening gloomy look in his

eyes. Slap! At that moment, a crisp sound of a slap sounded. Kisa was startled. She

quickly pulled Lea away and shouted, “What are you doing?! How dare you hit her in

front of all these people?!”

Karen glared at Lea like she was going crazy. Kisa was baffled. ‘I didn’t expect her to do

anything to Lea again after she had calmed down, especially right in front of Mrs. Mullen

Sr. I was paying attention to Carrie and Anthony when she suddenly slapped Lea across

the face. Maybe she was thinking of something that angered her, which caused the fire

in her heart to burn.”

Karen pointed her finger at Lea and cursed, “I want this b*tch dead! What qualifications

does she have to take a photo with Anthony?! How could a cheap and lowly woman like

her participate in such a grand event with the Mullen family? I lost face because of her. I

want her dead!”

Karen roared frantically and rushed toward Lea. Kisa was about to stop her, but

someone tripped her. She staggered a few steps forward and fell to the ground. Karen

threw herself at Lea and grabbed her hair. She started to hit and scold her at the same


Kisa knew that Lea was weak. She could only squirm and try to resist the beating in that

situation. However, she was nothing compared to Karen, who was not in the right mind.

Kisa was about to get up to help Lea when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her

abdomen. She bit her lip and tried to get up again, but her stomach hurt badly whenever

she tried to move.

She had no choice but to turn her head and look at Anthony, signaling him to save Lea.

But, Anthony just watched her get beaten in disdain. Lea’s face was scratched all over.

Her hair was in a mess, and her neck was also covered in scratches. Kisa lowered her

gaze and looked at the old lady. “Is this how your family treats guests?” She asked, but

Mrs. Mullen Sr. did not seem to care.

She then said to Karen indifferently, “Enough! Take your fight outside. Don’t ruin the

banquet.” However, Karen acted as if she did not hear her and continued to beat and

kick Lea.

Lea could not break free in that situation, so she held onto her stomach and protected it

with all her strength.

Mrs. Mullen Sr. smiled helplessly at Kisa and said, “You saw it, right? It’s not that I don’t

care about your friend; it’s just that I can’t help her. After all, Ms. Reyes is notoriously

famous for being domineering.”

Kisa pursed her lips coldly. ‘This old woman clearly did not want to interfere. She would

have called the guards if she really wanted to stop this, ‘ she thought.

Carrie watched Anthony’s facial expression, and after a while, she said,” That woman is

about to be beaten to death. Are you really not going to do anything? I mean, you guys

did have some fun together.”

Anthony sneered at her and said, “She’s nothing to me. She’s just a lowly bar girl. I

ordered some alcohol from her once, that’s all.”

Kisa’s heart was cold when she heard that. She could not imagine how Lea would feel if

she had heard that too.

Lea was beaten until she curled up on the ground. Even so, she tightly held onto her

lower abdomen. Kisa looked at her and started to tear up. She knew that she could not

count on Anthony. So, she gritted her teeth and got up, rushing over to try and pull the

crazy woman away. However, Karen got up and pushed her hard. Kisa almost fell back

when a pair of arms suddenly appeared around her waist.

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