Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1226

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1226

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1226

Chapter 1226 She’s Mrs. Kooper

With a little effort from the mysterious arms around her waist, Kisa’s body avoided the

fall. Before she could react, her whole being fell into a firm and familiar embrace. She

quickly turned her head and saw that it was Gilbert.

After Karen had pushed Kisa away, she continued to sit on Lea’s body and hit her. Kisa

hurriedly grabbed Gilbert’s arm and said, “Save Lea. Help me save Lea.”

Gilbert’s eyes darkened. He rushed over in a few steps, lifted Karen up, and tossed her

out without any mercy. Everyone was stunned when they saw that. Mrs. Mullen Sr.

frowned and stared at Gilbert. Her gaze was full of questions.

Karen fell to the ground in embarrassment. She got up and yelled, “Who the hell are

you?! Is the Mullen residence a supermarket where everyone can just come and go?”

“Are you blind? Do you not recognize the CEO of GK Pictures, Mr. Kooper?” Davian ran

to Mrs. Mullen Sr. and gave her a cold sneer. Karen was stunned. She looked at Gilbert

in shock and said, “Y-You’re Mr. Kooper from GK Pictures?”

“Hah!” Felicity sneered. “Even Mr. Mullen Sr. acts courteously around Mr. Kooper. How

dare you be so ignorant and bully his wife? Even though your family is wealthy in

Athadale, you are nowhere near the Kooper family from Calthon!”

“H-His wife? Who’s his wife?” Karen’s face changed. “Open your eyes and take a good

f*cking look. THIS is the wife of GK Pictures’s CEO,” Felicity snorted coldly as she

walked over to help Kisa.

Maybe it was an illusion, but Kisa could feel a cold and vicious gaze staring at her when

Felicity introduced her to the crowd. She subconsciously glanced around her but did not

see any weird looks. Instead, the people looked at her in astonishment and shock.

It was normal that they did not know who she was since she seldom participated in such

high-end banquets with Gilbert and rarely dealt with the upper class in Athadale.

Karen shook her head in disbelief. “No… That’s not possible… She’s just a low-class

celebrity. Her friend is a bar girl. How could she be the wife of GK Pictures’s CEO?”

Gilbert looked at her coldly, and she subconsciously took two steps back. He lightly put

his arm around Kisa and said, “She is my wife. How dare you bully her and her friend.

Do you no longer want to have a place in Athadale?

Karen turned pale. “I-I didn’t know she was your wife. I didn’t mean it. I-I…”

Gilbert looked away with a sneer. His smile looked as cruel as a devil’s. Karen was

anxious. She hurriedly ran to Carrie’s side and grabbed her arm.” What should I do,

Carrie? They’re with Gilbert Kooper. What should I do?”

Carrie was also in a panic at that point. She feared that she would be next to experience

Gilbert’s wrath, so she stayed quiet and ignored Karen. She quickly shook off her arm

and stood beside Mrs. Mullen Sr.

Karen then went to beg Anthony to help her. Anthony wanted to push her hand off, but

suddenly, Jane took her hand and said, “Don’t be scared. I’ll help you.”

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