Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1230

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1230

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1230

Chapter 1230 The Figure That Disappeared

Kisa felt very bad for Lea as she said in a low voice. “I’ll get someone to bring you to the


Lea shook her head. “I’m fine. It’s just some bumps and bruises.”

“But your baby…”

“Don’t worry. I kept my stomach protected just now and it feels just fine.”

Kisa looked at her and felt terrible.

‘She tried so hard to protect that man’s child, yet he treated her like this.’

Kisa took a deep breath. Then, she grabbed Lea’s arm and said softly.” Let’s go to the

washroom to clean you up and put some ice on your face after that.”

Kisa just could not leave Lea alone with her being like that.

Lea looked down sadly without saying anything.

Kisa sighed and said to Gilbert. “I want to be alone with her for a while. You guys go

have fun.”

Gilbert stared at her deeply for a while before he nodded. “Watch yourself.”


Kisa replied flatly before she helped Lea to the backyard where it was less crowded.

Gilbert stared at Kisa’s back for a second. Then, he turned around and sat on a chair at

the side.

He leaned on the chair and pulled his collar. His handsome face looked exhausted.

Davian came over and asked him softly, “Mr. Kooper, are you not going to follow Mrs.

Kooper? What if she…”

“It’s fine. Everybody here knows she belongs to me after what happened just now. No

one’s going to do anything to her.”

“Oh…” Davian nodded. Then, he asked curiously, “However, the Mullens have never

gotten along well with you. What if they put her on the spot…”

“They would never do something so silly.”

Gilbert shifted his gaze to Davian and spoke in a deep voice, “It’s Mr.

Mullen Sr.’s birthday today and he invited all of us here. The Mullens aren’t foolish

enough to mess with my people on their own turf.”

“You’re right.” Davian responded, immediately realizing that the Mullens would be held

responsible if anything happened to Kisa.

Gilbert leaned on the chair and looked in the backyard’s direction absentmindedly.

Felicity thought that he was missing Kisa, so she said, “You should’ve followed her since

you miss her so much.”

Gilbert kept his silence and slowly shut his eyes.

He almost got to that figure earlier, but it disappeared at the end of the backyard.

He frowned slightly, and questions started popping into his head.

‘Could that be Sara? If that was really her, why would she be here? I thought she hated

the Mullens very much.’

Davian noticed that the look on Gilbert’s face did not look too good, so he stopped


Felicity curled her lips and stopped talking to Gilbert too.

Kisa wiped the dirt off Lea’s face carefully with a damp handkerchief in the backyard


Lea could manage to bottle up her feelings and not cry in front of everybody else just


However, she burst into tears helplessly once she could finally be alone with Kisa.

Kisa cleaned her face and helped her to sit on a wicker chair not far away from the


The backyard was huge. It was almost like a mini garden.

However, it was not very well decorated, and the food and beverages were all in the front

yard, so the backyard was nearly empty.

One or two waiters would sometimes pass by carrying a tray.

Kisa stopped one of them and told him to get her some ice cubes.

Then, she turned around and looked at Lea. Lea was still crying.

Lea cried like her heart was completely broken. The pain was excruciating yet she tried

her best to hold it in.

She sat closer to Lea and wrapped her arms around Lea and said, “Just go ahead and

cry. Everything will be better after this.”

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