Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1231

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1231

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1231

Chapter 1231 He’s Not the Right Person

Lea shook her head. “Nothing will be better. There’s no way I can bear to have him out of my life or give up on this relationship unless I die. Trust me. The only way I can let go of this relationship is to die.”

Kisa’s heart sank.

Then, she looked at Lea confusedly. “Can’t you see what’s happening even though that man is already hurting you like this? Why are you still being so stubborn?”

Lea looked back at Kisa through her misty eyes, “You understand that being in a relationship is not something you can control, no? Gilbert did so many things to hurt you back then, yet you still love. him the same, don’t you?”

Lea’s words left Kisa speechless.

Lea was right.

Gilbert hurt and humiliated her in many ways back then, and he had even almost killed her several times.

However, she still had feelings for him.

They say is love is blind, after all.

As a bystander, Kisa could advise Lea very calmly and rationally, but she was just as stubborn as Lea when faced with the same situation.

Love was never something a person could control.

Kisa patted Lea’s shoulder lightly and said sadly, “What are you planning to do now?”

“I don’t know. I just want to give birth to this baby safely.”

“Does he know about the existence of this baby?” Kisa asked in a deep tone.

Lea shook her head. “I can’t tell him about this. He once said that I’m not good enough to have his baby. So, I’m sure that he’ll make me abort this baby if he ever found out because both the baby and I are a disgrace to him.”

“But he’s going to find out about it sooner or later. When your belly starts to show…”

“That’s why I’ve got to hide somewhere and only come back to him after I’ve given birth to my baby’

Kisa was once a mother too. She would have done anything to protect her baby just like how Lea did

However, she had not been given the opportunity to do so.

The pain of losing her child was so agonizing that it still hurt whenever she thought about it

Kisa pursed her lips and said to Lea, “Just let me know if there’s anything I can do to help

Lea looked at her with guilt betrayed you once. Why are you still treating me so well?*

“Even though you betrayed me, you still saved me during the lowest point of my life. That’s why I’m helping you. Just consider it as me returning the favor”

Lea pursed her lips as tears streamed down her face.

“Don’t you think that I’m cheap? Anthony is treating me so badly, yet I’m still so in love with him.”

Kisa shook her head. “There’s nothing wrong with falling in love. You just did it with the wrong person.”

“I shouldn’t have come to this banquet.” Lea looked at her evening dress sarcastically.

“To be honest, I felt very happy when he told me he was going to bring me here. I thought that he was finally going to accept me and bring me to his family when I saw the shoes and dress that he got for me,” she continued.

“It turns out I was just indulging myself in my own fantasy. He looked down on me, and there’s just nothing I can do to change that,” Lea said as she lifted her head and took a deep breath, trying to hold her tears back.

Then, she laughed at herself I understand now that I don’t belong in this circle. I’m only going to embarrass myself by trying so hard to fit in.”

“But you still couldn’t let go of him even though you feel this way, huh?” Kisa could relate to her pitiful situation as she said that.

Lea choked and said, “I wish that he was just an ordinary person and not someone who came from such a complicated family. I…

As Lea was still talking, a slender figure suddenly approached them.

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