Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1232

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1232

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1232

Chapter 1232 I’ll Kill You if You Don’t Stop

Lea’s facial expression immediately changed, and she looked mournful and indescribably inferior

She quickly bowed her head down as if she was afraid that the person would see how ugly and messy she looked.

Kisa turned her head and saw that person walking toward them was Anthony

She did not understand why he came here. ‘Does he think that he hasn’t hurt Lea enough?

Anthony came in front of them very and Kisa stood in front of him subconsciously “What are you. going to do to her?”

Anthony looked at her coldly. “This is between me and her It has nothing to do with you. Get lost!” novelbin

Kisa was so mad, that she laughed I guess you probably forgot who kept quiet just now when Lea was getting mistreated. I’m afraid that the shrew would beat her to death if I didn’t interfere!”

“So what?” Anthony sneered.

Lea grabbed the edge of Kisa’s clothes. “Kisa, forget it. It’s not his fault.”

“Lea…” Kisa looked at her helplessly

Kisa felt very uneasy looking at how inferior Lea acted.

The man would never appreciate what Lea was doing, nor he would think that her actions were considerate. Instead, he would only look down on her even more.

“I told you that this has nothing to do with you. You’d better get out of my face now!”

Anthony grunted and raised his hand to push Kisa away.

Kisa quickly took two steps back and held her hand against a small round table behind her. Otherwise, she would have fallen to the ground.

Lea immediately stood up and protected Kisa as she said to Anthony, “Don’t be mad. Don’t hurt Kisa… She isn’t trying to be nosy. She’s just worried about me.”

Anthony felt very irritated as he looked at Lea’s swollen and bruised face before his eyes.

He was wrong. He should have never brought her to this banquet.

Anthony grabbed Lea’s arm angrily and scoffed at her. “Didn’t I tell you to hide in the corner before we came here? Why didn’t you listen to me? Why do you have to strut around? Do you know that you almost turned me and my mom into a laughingstock in front of everybody?”

Lea looked at him dejectedly as her heart shattered into a million pieces

She realized that Anthony had only come here to blame her. He had not been worried about her at


Indeed, Lea was worse than a pile of dirt to him. There was just no way that he would ever be

worried about her

Lea looked down sorrowfully I didn’t want to show myself Ms. Reyes was the one who came at me and hit me. She accused me of stealing her necklace. I tried to run away from her, but she pinned me down on the floor and stomped on me. I didn’t mean to expose myself on purpose

“You should put the blame on Ms. Reyes instead of Lea.” Kisa stood up for Lea. “Also, why did you bring her here if you think that she’d embarrass you? After all, she’s done nothing wrong! Who are you

to scold her like this?!”

“Shut your mouth!”

Anthony glowered at Kisa and shouted.

Lea shivered and shook her head at Kisa, signaling her to stop triggering Anthony.

Anthony was an unpredictable man who would do the cruelest things anyone could imagine Lea did not care what he would to do her, but she told herself she was never going to let Kisa get hurt on her behalf ever again.

Ultimately, Kisa gave in and stopped confronting Anthony after looking at the desperate look on Lea’s face.

She pursed her lips, stood aside, and kept quiet.

Anthony stopped talking too and took Lea away.

Kisa got anxious and followed them. “Where are you taking her?”

“I’ll kill you if you don’t stop following me!” Anthony turned around and threatened her aggressively.

Lea quickly shook her head, gesturing to Kisa that she was fine.

Kisa froze in place and helplessly watched Anthony drag Lea away from her.

She took a few steps back and sat on the chair, feeling awful.

Lea fell in love with Anthony so hard, that she lost herself. At that point, Kisa was in no place to interfere with their relationship anymore. After all, Lea had made her own choice.

She leaned back and sighed. Suddenly, a rather familiar figure appeared before her eyes.


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