Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1235

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1235

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1235

Chapter 1235 Taking Her Spot

Kisa hurriedly turned sideways and hid behind the fake rock. Her entire back was pressed against it, thinking that it would be better to wait for Arthur to pass by. But, Arthur did not leave when he passed by the fake rock. Instead, he hid in the spot where she had just taken cover

Kisa rolled her eyes. She was thinking of taking a closer look at what Adrien was up to when he took her spot. It was as though Arthur had sensed her gaze, and he looked over at her Her expression changed, and this time, she hardly had any place to hide. She was completely exposed to Arthur’s line of sight.

Arthur clearly froze for a few seconds, and his eyes widened when he saw her Before he could. scream, Kisa rushed over, covered his mouth, and made a silent gesture at him. Arthur looked surprised and confused.

“If you want your crystal pendant back, don’t make a sound,” Kisa said in a whisper

“Mmm. Mmm. Arthur took her hand off his mouth and asked in a whisper, “You have my pendant?”

“Shh!” Kisa hurriedly gestured for him to keep his voice down again,

“You’re the woman who was full of lies and sat next to me on the plane?” Arthur lowered his voice but sounded anxious.

His unnecessarily detailed description of Kisa bemused her

“Why do you have my pendant? Not only were you lying, but you stole my pendant?”

“Who would steal from you? I found it on the plane and thought of returning it to you. But, I couldn’t catch up to you,” Kisa said in a muffled voice.



Just as Arthur was about to say something, a woeful scream rang out. It was abrupt and creepy in the silent backyard Arthur could not be bothered to argue with Kisa anymore He spun around and ran out from behind the fake rock toward Vivian because it was Vivian who screamed.

Kisa’s heart sank, and she quickly peeked out from the fake rock to see what had happened. This is strange. Supposedly, Adrien couldn’t do anything to Vivian since this is the Mullen residence But, why did Vivian scream so miserably? Kisa saw under the cold light Vivian was sitting in a wheelchair, covering her head in agony and sounding devastated.

“He was the one who got me into this mess. So, who is he to ask me to live happily? Get out! Get out of here! You tell him that I will never forgive him in my lifetime. Never in my lifetime. Aaaah!”

“Aunt, Aunt, what’s wrong? Aunt.” Arthur quickly ran over and anxiously held Vivian in his arms.

He looked at Adrien with hostility. “What have you done to my aunt?”

However, Adrien just stared soberly at Vivian.

Looking from the shadows, Kisa could only see the side of Adrien’s tense face. She was puzzled

as she felt that somehow, Adrien knew Vivian, and he seemed to have some kind of relationship

with her

“I did nothing to her I just told her that the person who let her down wanted her to be brave and to stand up and enjoy life freely like how she used to.”

“Get lost!” Vivian looked at Adrien with reddened eyes. It was unclear whether it was something on Adrien’s face or his appearance that reminded her of something. Vivian’s face suddenly contorted.

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