Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1236

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1236

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1236

Chapter 1236 You Got The Wrong Person

She leaned in Arthur’s arms, panting, trembling, and staring at Adrien with a repulsive look on her face

“It’s you. It’s you. She pointed at Adrien. Her arm was trembling, and her voice was sharp and harsh, like an evil spirit “You’re him. You’re him. Do you think I don’t recognize you just because you have changed your face? You are a vicious and sinister man. You have caused me so much harm. I hate you. I hate you so much. Who are you to tell me to live on? You are feeling guilty. aren’t you? Ha hahaha… Could a heartless person like you feel guilty?” She suddenly cried with sorrow. Under the cold white light, her pale face contorted in pain, looking appalling.

Arthur hugged Vivian tightly and kept comforting her “Aunt, don’t be like this. I’m Arthur, Aunt Please don’t scare me like this.”

Adrien looked at Vivian quietly, and then he said in a nonchalant voice, “You got the wrong person. I’m just a messenger

“Heh heh heh. You still refuse to admit it after all this? Then, why did you come to see me? Do you just want to see how pathetic I am now? I’m telling you, I’m ruined for life, my legs are ruined too. And, the baby is gone. I can never be a mother again in my lifetime. Are you happy now?”

Kisa looked at Adrien with horror “Who did Vivian mistake him for? And, what did that person do that hurt Vivian so deeply?

“Like I said, you got the wrong person,” Adrien said again indifferently and turned around to leave

Vivian panicked. She broke away from Arthur, wanting to chase after Adrien, but she fell out of the wheelchair in an instant.

Arthur’s face changed. “Aunt!”

Adrien stopped in his tracks, turned around, and looked at Vivian in silence.

Since his back was facing the fake rock, Kisa could not see his expression. But, judging from his body language, Kisa could feel that he was suppressing his emotions.

Vivian lay on the ground and cried out to Adrien in sorrow, “What did I do wrong? I love you so much. I love you more than myself. Why did you do this to me? You want money, power, I can give it to you. I can give you anything. Why did you lie to me? What did I do wrong that made you put me in this predicament? Tell me, what did I do?”

Vivian’s cries were filled with grief and resentment. Kisa listened on and felt sad. Just then, a group of people came rushing over She stepped back slightly, and then the group went straight toward Vivian without noticing that she was there.

“What’s wrong. Vivian?” The people who rushed over were Mr. Mullen Sr. and his wife, along with Jane and a couple of bodyguards.

“What happened?” Mr. Mullen Sr. asked Arthur in a deep voice.

“I don’t know what happened. It was this gentleman. He said something to Aunt, and she ended up like this,” Arthur said confusedly.

By now, Vivian had been carried back into the wheelchair by the bodyguards. Only then did Mr Mullen Sr notice Adrien’s presence and ask in puzzlement, “What are you doing here?”

“I was in the front yard when I heard a noise, so I came to the back yard and ran into Miss Mullen,” Adrien said.

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