Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1243

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1243

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1243

Chapter 1243 You Really Can’t Stand Being Alone, Huh?

“It’s hard to say. You have a mature disposition, while that man has a sunny one. So, you two are different. Generally, girls like sunny dispositions.”

Felicity could not help but give Davian a kick under the table. She wanted to hint at him to stop


However, Davian was a blockhead. He asked her in confusion, “Why did you kick me?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to remind you to hurry and finish your juice. You talk too much!” Felicity


Davian glanced at her glumly.

‘This woman is so fierce!’ he thought.

Meanwhile, Gilbert had a tense expression while his chest heaved slightly. He was obviously suppressing his anger.

Felicity smiled at him and said, “Why did you ask Davian a question like that? With that aesthetic judgment of his, ugly women can be pretty, and pretty women are monsters. You should ask me instead.”

Gilbert was morose and did not speak.

Felicity continued, “Don’t worry. You’re much more attractive than that pretty boy. Women generally like men like you.”

Davian instantly frowned.

“Felicity, do


also like men like Mr. Kooper?”

“Well, of course,” she smiled and snorted at Davian.

She continued, “What kind of woman wouldn’t like Mr. Kooper’s classiness and looks?”

Davian pouted unhappily.

Felicity smiled. She did not bother to explain the situation to Davian, the blockhead.

Then, Kisa walked toward them while Arthur entered the house.

Gilbert shot up and said to Kisa glumly, “Come on. Let’s go!”

Kisa shook her head subconsciously, “You guys go ahead. I’m not leaving.”

Felicity asked perplexedly, “Why aren’t you going home? Judging from the time, the banquet’s about to end soon, so there’s not much to do. It’s better for you to go home and sleep instead.”

Kisa smiled. “I’ll be staying over at the Mullen’s residence for the next few days, so I won’t be leaving with you all. It’s getting late. You guys should get going.”

“What?” Felicity immediately widened her eyes. “You’re staying at the Mullen residence? Why? Is my place no good? The Mullen residence is huge, but their family is very complicated. Staying here would definitely not be as comfortable as my place.”

“Actually, I…”

“Do you like that man that much? So much that you’re shamelessly staying at his place?”

Just as Kisa was about to speak, Gilbert growled at her lowly.

Kisa was startled. She turned to him and was puzzled. “What are you saying? What man?”

“Who else? The one who was talking and chatting with you just now, Mrs. Kooper,” Davian glanced at Kisa and quietly said.

Kisa blinked. A moment later, she turned to Gilbert with a speechless expression and said, “You must be not right in the head. Do you know how old Arthur is? I reckon he’s five or six years younger than me. He could be my younger brother. What were you thinking?”

“Then, why are you staying over at his house?” Davian asked in confusion.

Meanwhile, Gilbert peered at Kisa intensely. He had a clouded look in his eyes as if she had actually cheated on him behind his back.

Kisa met Gilbert’s dark gaze and quietly said, “I have some business at the Mullen’s residence. Anyway, you guys don’t have to mind me. Return to Calthon if you have to. Once I’m done with my business, I’ll go back myself.”

“Hah. Business?” Gilbert suddenly chuckled. However, he had an icy gaze. “What kind of business could you have at the Mullen residence? Why are you always seducing others? You’re even seducing a teenage student now? Kisa Becker, you really can’t stand being alone, huh?”

“What… What are you blabbering on about?” Kisa was so furious that she became pale.

Felicity, too, thought that his words sounded harsh. She could not help but say to Gilbert, “Don’t be like that. Let’s check things out first!”

“There’s nothing to check,” Kisa said with an icy expression.

Then, she sneered at the man with a dark expression, “You’re right. I can’t stand being alone. He’s younger, has a sunnier disposition, is more handsome, and is better than you. So, why can’t I flirt. with him?!”

Just then, Arthur came running out of the house.

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