Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1242

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1242

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1242

Chapter 1242 A Token of Love

“Staying at my house?” Arthur furrowed his brow in puzzlement.

“What? Can’t I?” Kisa said and looked up at the villa in front of her. “You see how large your house is? There shouldn’t be any problem with me staying here, right?”

“Yeah, no problem. Just that, why do you want to stay at my house? Wouldn’t it be more relaxing to stay in a hotel?” Arthur wondered.

Kisa suddenly sighed. “I came all the way here to congratulate your grandfather on his birthday=”

Arthur suddenly interrupted her. “So, you really are that celebrity on TV? Otherwise, my grandfather wouldn’t have invited you.

“Can you hear me out first?” Kisa wrinkled her nose in displeasure.

Arthur pouted, feeling that she was full of lies.

“I came alone to congratulate your grandfather on his birthday, and I wanted to spend a few days in Athadale. But, as you know, it’s dangerous for a woman to be out alone, so I don’t feel like staying in a hotel.”

“Then, why don’t you bring your assistant and bodyguard with you?”

“How else am I going to have fun on this trip if I take them with me?”

Arthur was still a little skeptical of what she said. He glanced over at Gilbert and asked her, “Aren’t those your friends?”

“No, they’re not. I have only talked to them today, and I don’t know them.” Kisa lied through her teeth. “So, can you let me stay at your house for a few days? I am really scared of staying in a hotel


Arthur stared at her suspiciously.

Finally, Kisa had to take out the crystal pendant. “This is a picture of you and your girlfriend, isn’t it? What a nice couple.”

“Give it back.” Arthur reached out and tried to snatch the pendant from her.

Kisa quickly pulled back her hand and smiled at him. “If you let me stay at your house, I will return this pendant to you immediately.” When she saw that Arthur still had hesitation, she added. “At least I helped you recover the pendant, so you should return the favor. It’s just a simple request. I just want to stay at your house for a few days. You can just treat me as a random person.”

Arthur gritted his teeth and asked, “So, how many days do you want to stay?”

“Well.. I’m not sure. If it’s fun, I’ll stay for a few more days, and if it’s not, maybe I will leave after just one night.” If she could get all the information about David at once, she would not stay in the Mullen residence for long.

Arthur hesitated for a long while before he gritted his teeth and said, “Okay, then you can stay. I will ask the maid to arrange a room for you.”

“Thank you.” Kisa nodded happily.

Arthur looked at the pendant in her hand. “You can give me back my stuff now, can’t you?”

“Well, here you go.”

In the distance, Gilbert stared at them with cold eyes. “Look. She is giving that guy a token of love.”

Felicity tried to explain. “Maybe that thing belongs to the guy.”

“So, this guy gave her a token of love on the plane, and she took it.”

Felicity choked. “Mr. Kooper, don’t you think you’re being overly imaginative?”

Gilbert grimaced, as he was exasperated. He suddenly looked over to Davian and asked, “Is that guy handsome?”

Davian was drinking a glass of juice when he heard Gilbert’s question. He froze for a second and then took a serious glance at Arthur and said to Gilbert, “Pretty handsome and sunny.”

Gilbert took a breath, and his expression turned grave. “And, how does he look compared to me?”

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