Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1247

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1247

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1247

Chapter 1247 He’s Heartless and Ruthless

‘Adrien and David have similar physiques? I have never seen David in person before, so I didn’t know about this nor relate the two of them with each other,’ Kisa thought.

Kisa gripped the door frame tightly as she listened attentively to the conversation between Mrs. Mullen Sr. and Albert.

Mrs. Mullen Sr. sighed, “They do look similar, but he isn’t that b*stard. Otherwise, I’ll make him kneel before Vivian and atone for his sins.”

“Well, if Mr. Tanner can calm Vivian down, we could let him stay over for a little longer. Perhaps he might actually let Vivian open her heart. Lheard that Mr. Tanner still isn’t married.”

“Forget it. Your sister got heartbroken once. I won’t let her get into these things again. Regardless, your sister is currently emotionally unstable, so it won’t hurt to let him calm her down.”

The two gradually walked further away as they spoke.

Kisa waited until they disappeared by the stairs before she walked out of the pantry.

Vivian’s door was partially shut.

Since there was a small gap left, the voices of the people inside could clearly be heard outside

“David, why are you so ruthless to me?”

“Ms. Mullen, you really got the wrong person. I’m not him.”

“You are. Your physique, expression, actions, and even your tone resemble his. I would never mistake it. You’re him. Don’t leave me, David. I’m begging you…”

Kisa leaned on the door and cautiously peered inside.

She saw a warm yellow wall lamp that was lit within the room. Its light was a dim type of warm yellow, and it was not particularly bright.

David sat by the bed while Vivian was leaning against his chest.

Vivian’s gaunt face now showed a hint of paleness and sorrow. It was no longer contorted like it

was earlier.

She gripped Adrien’s hand tightly as if she was worried that the person in front of her would suddenly disappear.

“David, I’ll give you anything. You said you’d marry me, but why did you lie to me in the end? Did you know? Our child, that poor child, died in my womb. There was so, so much blood. I wanted to save it, but I couldn’t, David. Why did you leave me back then? If you hadn’t left, the three of us would’ve been so happy as a family. And that child, that child wouldn’t have died! Why did you leave me? Why did you lie to me!”

Vivian suddenly got emotional as she spoke.

She covered her head and roared emotionally. Then, a sorrowful expression appeared on her pale face once more.

Adrien suddenly hugged Vivian and said in a low voice, “He didn’t lie nor did he leave you. He just had something to do. He didn’t lie to you on purpose.”

“No! He lied to me. He’s heartless. He approached me because of my family’s wealth. He’s heartless and ruthless!” Vivian roared.

Suddenly, she lifted her head and looked at Adrien.

Then, she abruptly shoved him. Once again, she roared at Adrien with a sorrowful expression,” Who are you if you’re not him? Get lost! You’re not him! Get lost! Get lost!”

Adrien stood up with an emotionless face. “Get some rest, Ms. Mullen. I’ll send the servants in.”

Just as Adrien was about to leave, Vivian promptly grabbed his hand and hugged it tightly.

Her cracked voice had a tinge of desperation, as she said, “Don’t go, David. I’m begging you. Don’t go. Don’t leave me again…”

Kisa frowned slightly.

‘Ms. Mullen seems delirious. Her speech pattern is a little deranged,’ she thought.

Adrien consoled Vivian to lie down. He sat beside her and spoke to her.

His voice was not exactly gentle and was almost a little emotionless.

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