Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1248

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1248

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1248

Chapter 1248 Internal Conflict Within The Mullen Family

“Take care of yourself. He’ll be back the day you can stand up,” said Adrien.

Kisa was not sure if he was purposefully saying such things to console Vivian or because he was actually David.

Kisa currently felt incredibly suspicious of him.

‘I need to reanalyze many things. I also need to reconsider the genuineness of the things Adrien told me before this,’ she thought.

Vivian looked at Adrien and asked, “Will he really come back?”

“Mhm. He’ll be back when you can stand up. That’s why you need to be brave, stand up, and live


Perhaps it was because Adrien’s words had managed to console Vivian, as she slowly began to quiet down.

Moments later, Vivian seemed to have fallen asleep. There was not a sound in the room.

When Kisa saw Adrien walking toward her, she quickly moved away and hid back inside the pantry.

Then, she cautiously stuck out her head and saw Adrien quietly and slowly shutting the door.

From Kisa’s direction, she could only see the side of his face. He did not have his usual gentle and amiable expression. Instead, he had a hint of iciness in his expression.

Kisa looked at his silhouette in confusion.

“Is he really David Kooper? If he really is David, he should feel guilty for hurting Ms. Mullen. But, why did he look so cold just now? Besides, he clearly went out of his way to look for Ms. Mullen back in the backyard. He didn’t unintentionally go to Ms. Mullen’s room,’ she thought.

Kisa was confused. She found Adrien getting more and more mysterious.

After the guests had left, it was the Mullen family’s turn to wish Mr. Mullen Sr. a happy birthday.

Kisa leaned against the railing and looked down at the living room.

There were quite a number of people in the living room.

She heard that Mr. Mullen Sr. had five sons. His eldest and second son were birthed by his first

wife, Mrs. Mullen Sr.

Meanwhile, his third and fourth sons were born illegitimately. Rumor had it that their mother was a beautiful student from a prestigious school. However, she was not a part of the Mullen family even until the day she died.

Finally, his fifth son, Anthony, was birthed by Jane.

Even though Jane used all means to join the Mullen family, she remained a nobody and lived as if

she was a butler or servant.

Other than Anthony, the other sons in the Mullen family had already gotten married and even had


That was why there were quite a number of children when Kisa glanced downstairs.

‘I have to admit, Mr. Mullen Sr. is quite a lucky man. At this age, not only is he wealthy, but he also has children and grandchildren,’ Kisa thought.

Arthur was the eldest grandchild, so Mr. Mullen Sr. paid a lot of attention to him.

When Kisa looked downstairs, she saw Arthur handing Mr. Mullen Sr. a gift.

“Grandpa, I wish you great luck and a long life. This is a scarf I made myself. You won’t be cold. this winter when you wear it.”

The two women beside him snickered.

‘They must be the third and fourth son’s wives,’ Kisa thought.

“Arthur, you’re a man, yet you know how to knit. You really put us elders to shame.”

The first daughter-in-law, Arthur’s mother, moved her lips and wanted to say something.

However, Arthur spoke first. “So what? As long as one puts their heart into something, there’s nothing one cannot learn. I was worried that grandpa would get cold, so I made this scarf overnight based on a video.”

Just as the third and four daughters-in-law wanted to say something, Mr. Mullen Sr. burst out laughing. “How thoughtful of you, Arthur. This is the best gift that I’ve received tonight.”

Then, he scanned the people around him. “Look at yourselves. All of you only know how to fight among yourselves all day. Why don’t you all learn from Arthur?”

They mumbled in agreement, and they all had dissatisfied expressions on their faces.

Suddenly, someone yelled out in shock.

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