Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1249

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1249

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1249

Chapter 1249 You Are What You Are

“Eh? Where’s Anthony? I can’t see him anywhere.”

Carrie Wagner, the wife of Mr. Mullen Sr.’s second son asked. Clearly, she brought Anthony’s

name up on purpose.

Jane could tell that Carrie kept targeting Anthony at the banquet earlier.

However, judging by his background, Anthony was the least favorable heir in the Mullen family. Jane just could not figure out why Carrier would be so afraid that Anthony would take the wealth. of the Mullen family away from her husband.

After giving it some thought, Carrie said, “Anthony… went to send the guests home.”

Lydia Hart, the wife of Mr. Mullen Sr.’s third son chuckled. “Each and every person here today are all high-profile individuals. I’m sure that all of them have their own chauffeur. There’s no need for

him to do that.”


guess he probably went to have some fun with that cheap woman,” Carrie took the opportunity

to say.

“What? Are you sure he left with that woman? Doesn’t he know that it’s dad’s birthday today? Anthony hasn’t even wished him happy birthday yet. This is outrageous.” Gloria Roth, the wife of

Mr. Mullen’s fourth son said.

Mr. Mullen Sr’s face darkened instantly as he cursed angrily. “What a useless and ungrateful son

he is!”

Jane’s face turned pale as she immediately defended Anthony, “Mr. Mullen Sr., Anthony would never do something like that. I’m sure that he has something important to take care of, and that’s why he didn’t come back.”

“Yeah, dad. Anthony has always taken your birthdays seriously. I guess he’s just busy with work, so he couldn’t be here on time.” Albert backed Anthony up.

Suddenly, Kisa remembered it was Anthony who picked Arthur up from the airport that day.

‘It seems like his eldest brother is the only person Anthony could get along with in his family.

‘The other ones are all…’

Kisa shook her head subconsciously. ‘To outsiders it must seem great to be living in such a big family, but everyone is actually plotting against each other. In fact, it’s exhausting.’

Lea suddenly popped into her head.

She could not even dare to imagine what would happen to Lea if she ever got to marry Anthony and became a part of the Mullen family.

Kisa figured that Lea would probably be gobbled up by those scheming and mean wives of Anthony’s brothers if Anthony would not protect her.

After thinking about Lea, she could not help but remember what had happened at the banquet

She felt worried for her.

Kisa had no idea where Anthony brought her to. She wanted to give Lea a call, but she did not know if she would be in the right place to do so.

So after hesitating, she put her phone down anyway.

In a room of the Century Grand Hotel, Anthony threw Lea on the carpet.

He mounted Lea before she could get up.

Lea felt a full aching in her stomach, but she dared not to say anything about it. So, she just looked at Anthony with her teary eyes.

Her face was still swollen, and her hair was in a mess.

Her expensive dress was dirty and stained, and they took all the elegance away from her, leaving her embarrassed.

The man’s eyes looked cruel and a little disdainful.

“I wanted to open your eyes, yet you almost turned me and my mom into a laughingstock in front of everybody. Tell me, how should I punish you?”

“You shouldn’t have brought me there.”

Lea said dejectedly and her voice broke.

However, it did not make the man take pity on her at all.

Anthony got cranky suddenly. He grasped Lea’s neck and grunted. “Yeah. I should’ve never done that. I’m such a f*cking idiot. Why did I even bring a lowlife like you to a place like that?

“You can never change who you truly are. It’s useless for you to do so much just to fit in high society.

“You’re just a worthless wretch that nobody cares about. You can never be a part of high society!” Anthony yelled, as his gaze pierced right through Lea.

Lea was suffocating.

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