Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1250

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1250

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1250

Chapter 1250 You’re Can’t Leave Until I Say So

At that moment, Lea did not feel like struggling anymore. She wanted Anthony to just choke her to death.

However, she changed her mind after remembering the baby inside her..

She lifted her hand in pain and beat Anthony’s arm.

Her face was starting to turn purple because she could not breathe.

Lea’s felt like her heart sank to the bottom of freezing water when she saw the horrible look on that furious man’s face.

The man suddenly yelled and loosened his grip on Lea’s neck when Lea thought that she was going to die in his hands.

Lea immediately lie on the ground and started coughing violently while gasping for air.

She coughed so hard, that her eyes became teary, and her stomach hurt.

Anthony dragged her and threw her on the bed before she could even catch a break.

She looked at the man, and Anthony was unbuttoning his shirt slowly.

Lea was terrified and distressed as a flood of tears gushed down her cheeks.

Then, she spoke in a brittle voice that sounded fearful and deary. At the same time, her voice had an unnoticeable hint of helplessness and hatred. “You were the one who brought me there a wanted me to fit in. I just want to live a normal life. I-If it’s possible, would me please let me go?

“Let me leave, and get out of here…”

She should have never expected the man to accept her.

They were from two completely different worlds, and it was simply impossible for them to end

well with each other.

However, Anthony acted like he did not hear a single word Lea said.

But he was clearly annoyed. He forcefully removed all the remaining buttons on his shirt after only four buttons were undone.

He got on top of Lea and looked at her swollen, which looked so displeasing as he smiled coldly like a bloodthirsty devil, “You’ll never have the right to talk about leaving. You can only leave when I say so.”

“Why? You clearly hate me and look down on me. Why won’t you just let me go…”

Lea was about to have a breakdown. However, she had always been a timid person in front of him. and her voice sounded as if she was begging him lowly.

“That’s because you’re a lowlife and you’ll never get to make your own decisions. You’re just a toy to me and you can only be free again when I’m done playing with you. Understand?”

Lea’s heart hurt so much, that she struggled to breathe.

The psychical pain she was feeling seemed to not hurt so much anymore.

She stared at the ceiling helplessly, and the dull ache in her belly made her feel scared and


‘Will I…really be able keep this baby?’

In the Mullen residence, Kisa fell asleep as soon as she got into bed because of how tired she was before Gilbert came back.

She was so exhausted, that she could easily fall asleep on a bed that she was not used to.

However, it was not a very good sleep.

She had a strange dream.

In her dream, she was in a huge garden.

There were many plants around her, and the place was surrounded by fog.

She walked around aimlessly in the garden, and she had no idea where she was.

It was a very beautiful garden, yet she was somehow scared. Kisa felt like she was shrouded by a chill and sinister air.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of her as she was walking.

It was a tall, slim, and well-shaped woman, who had her back on her.

That woman’s waist-length hair was dark and silky. She had a white gauze dress on, looking very dreamy and alluring.

That figure looked otherworldly and ethereal as she was illuminated by the moonlight in the garden.

Clearly, it was a sight to behold, yet Kisa felt fearful and scared instead.

She was so scared, that her fear overpowered the curiosity she had for that woman.

She took a few steps back subconsciously. Then, she turned around and ran away.

The garden was huge, and she could not see the end of it. She had no idea where she was going.


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