Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1251

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1251

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1251

Chapter 1251 Creepy Laugh Beside the Bed

That figure appeared in front of Kisa again and stood in her way.

She backed off in fear. Then, she turned around and found out that the figure had not moved at all.

The chilly atmosphere gradually surrounded Kisa and her scalp tingled.

She stared at the two figures that looked exactly the same anxiously and asked in a shaky voice,” W- Who are you?”

Neither of the figures responded to her.

Instead, they started to get closer.

The figures approached her from both sides.

An identical figure would appear in front of her no matter which direction she ran in.

In the end, she was surrounded by several figures.

The longer Kisa looked at those women’s’ long hair and unearthly appearances, the more creeped out she felt.

She folded her arms tightly around her body nervously. She turned around and shook her head desperately, begging them, “Don’t come near me. Who are you? Get away from me…”

The figures seemed like spirits looking for revenge as they approached her slowly.

Suddenly, all of them stopped about 1 foot away from her.

There were six figures, and they formed a circle surrounding Kisa.

Then, they turned around.

All at once….

Kisa felt her legs weaken as she slumped to the ground.

She shut her eyes tightly and screamed at the top of her lungs while holding her head.

Suddenly, everything before her eyes disappeared.

She had a feeling that she was awake, yet she just could not open her eyes.

She could hear somebody laughing beside her bed.

The laughter was very creepy, and it sounded like a woman’s voice.

She struggled to open her eyes, yet she felt like her eyelids were weighted down by something, and it was just impossible for her to do so.

Then, she heard footsteps and the sound of the door being opened.

Her chest felt awful as if there was something pressing against it.

It was extremely suffocating.

She tried to scream as hard as she could, but she just could not make a sound.

She felt as if she was drowning, helpless and scared.

Kisa struggled repeatedly. If she stopped moving, she would sink to the bottom and drown.

However, she finally managed to wake up after some time, sweating profusely.

It was already late fall and cold outside, but she was all sweaty.

She stared at the ceiling while drawing deep breaths.

Kisa still could not get over the fear she had just experienced. She was having a hard time calming herself down.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open.

It was Gilbert.

“What’s wrong?” Gilbert frowned and looked at her as a worried look faintly appeared on his face.

Kisa kept her silence. She sat up and threw herself into his arms.

The nightmare and the fear she felt while not being able to move as if something was pinning her down crept her out.

She could only feel a little better while being in Gilbert’s arms.

Her hair was covered in sweat.

Gilbert brushed her hair away and felt the sweat behind her neck. ‘She probably had a nightmare.’ He thought to himself.

‘I wonder how scary it was. She’s sweating all over.”

After a while, Kisa finally calmed down.

She slowly backed away from the man as she looked at the sunlight coming through the curtains.” What time is it?” She asked.

Gilbert went to open the curtain and said to her, “It’s almost ten.”

“What?” Kisa was shocked.

‘How long was I asleep?’

She looked at the man’s tidy outfit and shifted her gaze to the empty space beside her. “D-Did you sleep in this room last night?” She asked.

Suddenly, Gilbert furrowed his brows and looked at her.

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