Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1258

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1258

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1258

Chapter 1258 To Rob and Destroy

Kisa sat beside Gilbert, quietly waiting for Mr. and Mrs. Mullen Sr. to answer the questions. Gilbert had asked everything she wanted to know, but the elderly couple did not seem like they wanted to answer. Mr. Mullen Sr. smoked his cigarette silently, and his face was gloomy and a little scary. I’m afraid I’m not able to talk about that shameless and sadistic event that only the Kooper family was capable of. If you want to know what kind of immoral acts your uncle did to Vivian, your should ask him yourself,” Mrs. Mullen Sr. snorted coldly

After that, she got up and left as if she would be disgusted if she spared another glance at a Kooper family member.

Gilbert then turned his gaze to Mr. Mullen Sr., who was smoking as he asked with a cold smile, “Do you know why I wanted to snatch your woman away from you?” Gilbert sat upright and did not say a word while he looked at Mr. Mullen Sr. quietly with a cold and dark gaze. Mr. Mullen Sr. puffed out rings of smoke and snorted, “It wasn’t just because that woman was seductive, but because… I hate your family. I want to rob your family of everything and destroy them!”

Gilbert subconsciously held Kisa’s hand tightly when he said that. “I’ll find out what my uncle did to Ms. Mullen. I will apologize to her sincerely if my uncle hurt her. On the other hand, I advise you to stop those thoughts. Both families wouldn’t benefit if we were to break into a fight.” Gilbert spoke slowly. His tone was neither warm nor angry. Instead, it was calm. But, there was an indescribable

bitterness to it.

Mr. Mullen Sr. had been in the business industry for a long time. He had faced many challenges, so he was not fooled by his tone. However, he did not want to go against Gilbert either. At least

not yet..

“Why so nervous, Mr. Kooper? You and your wife are my guests. I won’t do anything foolish,” Mr. Mullen Sr. laughed. “Do let me know when you have a lead on your uncle’s whereabouts. It would be a pity if I couldn’t teach that b*stard a lesson. But, if you can’t find him or found that he’s dead, someone from your family must still bear his sins!”

‘It doesn’t seem like the Mullen family knows where David is. The Mullens are a powerful family. If they can’t find David, then he must be really good at hiding, Kisa thought.

Kisa wanted to go to the backyard for a walk in the afternoon. After last night, she felt that there was something mysterious about the backyard of the Mullen residence. She also wanted to find. out if the gloomy and vicious gaze she felt that was staring at her was still there. It was daytime, so she was not afraid if there was. Moreover, she could take the opportunity to see who it was.

However, Gilbert did not give her the chance to go there. After they finished their chat with Mr Mullen Sr., Gilbert dragged Kisa back to the room. The man leaned against the locked door and stared at her intensely. The most terrifying thing about the man was his gaze. He just stared at her without saying a word. His eyes were clouded with anger and a hint of coldness, which made her feel suffocated. Although Gilbert was just staring at her, Kisa felt like it was as if he was strangling her with his bare hands, making her feel trapped.

“W-Why are you looking at me like that?” She pursed her lips and asked

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