Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1257

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1257

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1257

Chapter 1257 Ask Around

The looks on Mr. and Mrs. Mullen Sr.’s faces were stone-cold. Vivian had utterly quieted down, and Mrs. Mullen Sr. asked for someone to send her to the guest house in the backyard. novelbin

Seeing the elderly couple sitting on the sofa, Kisa hurriedly pulled Gilbert over. ‘I can’t ask Vivian. about David since she’s a little cuckoo. So, I have to get something out of these two. Though, I can’t be too blunt, I’ll just have Gilbert do it. I mean, it makes sense for him to ask since David is his uncle… But, I still have to find a way to bring up the topic,’ Kisa thought.

“Mr. Mullen Sr., is the David that Ms. Mullen mentioned…”

“Yes. She’s talking about the eldest son of the Kooper family, David Kooper,” Mrs. Mullen said coldly before Kisa finished her question while looking at Gilbert with a hostile gaze.

Gilbert instantly frowned when he heard that. “What kind of vendetta does Ms. Mullen have with my uncle? As far as I know, my uncle had always been in Calthon or abroad. He never lingered in Athadale, let alone have any emotional entanglement with Ms. Mullen.”

Adrien was still there at that moment. However, he did not sit with them. He sat outside the door with his back to them. He was not that far away, so he could still hear what they said.

Kisa subconsciously looked at his back. Even though she suspected that he was David, she did not know how to verify her hunch. After all, he and David did not look alike at all. Their family backgrounds were also very different.

“If I remember correctly, your grandma sent him out of the country at that time, and he must have sneaked back in. He was like a puppy who had lost his home, so our kind-hearted Vivian took him in,”

Mrs. Mullen Sr. sneered in a daze. Kisa glanced at Adrien when she heard that. But, there was no reaction from the man.

Gilbert’s eyes darkened. He did not know whether what the old lady said was true since he knew very little about that uncle of his. The only thing Gilbert knew was that David was sent abroad when he and Jensen were little. Adalyn told them that their uncle had done something wrong, so he had to leave. Gilbert was still too young and ignorant back then, so he did not question her. Now that he saw how intense Vivian’s reaction was, he thought that his uncle might have actually done something to the Mullen family.

Kisa looked at Gilbert, expecting him to ask a few more questions. She wanted to know the reason why Vivian had such an outburst, what David did to her, and when he left their residence But, she could not blatantly ask them since she was just a daughter-in-law of the Kooper family Too much concern about David would inevitably arouse some suspicion. Moreover, Adrien is still here. If he really is David, he must have had a reason to change everything about himself to become closer to the Mullen family. If I show too much interest in David, he would probably think I’m onto him. I can’t be the one asking questions right now,’ she thought.

Gilbert seemed to have read her mind when he asked the elderly couple in front of him, “What did my uncle do to Ms. Mullen back then? Why is she like this now? When did my uncle leave your family, and where did he go?”

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