Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1256

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1256

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1256

Chapter 1256 I’m Just Playing With Her

“You spent the entire night yesterday outside because of that cheap woman. Didn’t you remember that it was my birthday?”

Mr. Mullen Sr. was clearly mad.

Anthony bowed his head down. He stood there without saying anything.

Jane quickly tried to defend him, “You’re misunderstanding him. He wasn’t with any cheap woman at all last night. He had something important to take care of.”

Mr. Mullen Sr. scoffed and ignored Jane as he stared at Anthony with his sharp eyes.

Anthony clenched his fists tightly. Then, he looked at Mr. Mullen Sr. and said, “Dad, why would I even want to be with a woman like that? I have no idea why all of you are so worried. I’m just playing with her.”

Kisa squinted angrily.

I knew that Lea fell in love with the wrong man.

‘However, Lea just can’t leave this man no matter what. I don’t even know what I can do anymore to convince that silly woman.”

“David, where are you?! David…”

Kisa heard somebody yelling loudly from the yard when she was still thinking to herself.

A figure staggered toward her and pounced on her before she could react.

The look on Gilbert’s face changed as he quickly grabbed Kisa’s waist and moved her away.

That person fell on the ground awkwardly with a walking cane beside her.

Kisa looked closely and found out that it was Mr. Mullen Sr.’s daughter, Vivian Mullen.


Mrs. Mullen Sr. shouted as she walked toward Vivian with her walking cane.

Vivian was still searching for David after she fell to the ground.

“David, I can walk now Where are you? David, come back… David…”

The maid who was standing at the back immediately went toward her and helped her back to the


However, Vivian was very agitated. “I don’t want to be in a wheelchair. I can stand on my own. I’m

not a cripple. I can stand…” She yelled.

She tried to stand up by holding the wheelchair’s handle as she spoke, but as soon as her feet touched the ground, she fell down again.

Vivian tried to get herself up from the ground, but she just could not do it.

It was just impossible for her to stand up even with the help of her walking cane.

She broke down and wailed while swinging her walking cane. “Why? David, would you please come back? David…” She screamed crazily.

She was out of her mind.

Gilbert held his arm around Kisa’s waist, and he pulled her closer to him. He was worried that she would be hit by Vivian’s cane.

Mrs. Mullen Sr. choked with sobs as she told the bodyguards to pin Vivian down.

Three bodyguards stepped forward. One of them took Vivian’s cane from her and the other two put her back in her wheelchair

Vivian sat defeatedly on the wheelchair like a corpse.

“I can’t stand anymore, that’s why… he isn’t coming back.”

She mumbled as tears welled up in her bloodshot eyes.

Mr. Mullen Sr. got mad, and he gave Vivian a slap. “That rotten man is long dead! Why are you still thinking of him after everything he’s done to you?” Mr. Mullen Sr. scolded Vivian as he shifted his hostile gaze to Gilbert.

Gilbert was confused as he had no idea what was happening.

Kisa got herself together. She grabbed Gilbert and asked Mr. and Mrs. Mullen Sr. pretentiously as if she was very confused about what was going on. “May I know if Ms. Vivian was referring to the eldest heir of the Kooper family, David Kooper?”

Gilbert looked at her subconsciously as he squinted.

*Kisa probably knows something.

‘And. I feel like she’s using him to get some information.”

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