Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1255

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1255

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1255

Chapter 1255 A Prank

“No… Don’t say that. It’s impossible for Anthony to do that. He just came back this morning, and how would he have the time to do it?”

Kisa stared at Anthony.

‘Is it true that he only came back this morning? I have no idea if spent the night with Lea. What did he do to her?’

“Heh heh. Jane, you should just stop defending him. I’m sure Mrs. Kooper looked at him because she thinks that he’s the one who did it.” Carrie smiled coldly.

Lydia said, “It’s got to be him. After all, none of us have a problem with Mrs. Kooper. There’s no reason for us to do that.”

Kisa looked away from him and said flatly, “It’s not him.”

Everybody was shocked by what Kisa said.

Anthony looked at her confusedly.

Kisa did not say that because she was trying to get Anthony out of trouble, but she really thought that he wasn’t the culprit.

Anthony was a ruthless person, and he would never pull such a harmless prank on her if he had really wanted to hurt her.

And it just could not be the other people in the family.

There was just no reason for them to do so.

Kisa still thought that Sara did it.

However, Kisa did not want to bring her name up because of how Gilbert defended her and said that it was impossible that Sara did it. Also, Sara had never appeared in the house.

So, she decided to let it slide unless she could prove that Sara did it.

She looked at Mr. and Mrs. Mullen Sr and smiled faintly. “Okay then. It’d be best if you could find out who did this, but it’s fine if you can’t. I’m so sorry for troubling you and your family.”

“Heh heh. Mrs. Kooper, you’re too kind…” Mr. Mullen Sr. finally broke his silence and spoke. “I guess it’s probably just a prank by a naughty kid. I’ll tell my sons to educate their kids better. I guarantee that nothing like this will happen again.”

“I think it was done by a kid too.”

Adrien’s voice spread across the room from the door.

Kisa looked over subconsciously and saw Adrien leaning against the door with a cigarette between his fingers.

He looked at Kisa and smiled as amiably as before, “That’s because I saw the same thing on my bathroom mirror too this morning. I didn’t bring it up because I thought that it was just a harmless prank by some kids.

“Now that you mentioned it, I think one of the kids here doesn’t like us outsiders being here, so they’re just trying to scare us away by doing that.”

After that, he looked at Mr. Mullen Sr. and smiled profoundly. “Mr. Mullen Sr., am I right?”

“Hahaha! Absolutely. That’s probably what happened.”

Mr. Mullen Sr. laughed and looked at his sons. “All of you should educate your kids and tell them not to do something like this ever again. This is embarrassing us.”


“Yes, dad.”

“Okay, dad.”

Mr. Mullen Sr.’s sons responded unanimously.

Kisa frowned as she thought that things were not that simple.

Besides, she felt like something was going on between Adrien and Mr. Mullen Sr. judging by how they looked at each other.

“Okay, okay. That’s it for now. All of you can go about your day now that we’ve found out what happened.”

Everybody in the living room walked away after hearing what Mr. Mullen Sr. said.

Mr. Mullen Sr. stopped Anthony when he was about to go upstairs.

“I heard that you left with a cheap woman who sells alcohol last night, is that true?”

Kisa was walking to the backyard, but she stopped subconsciously after hearing what Mr. Mullen. Sr. asked Anthony.

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