Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1254

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1254

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1254

Chapter 1254 Somebody’s Taking Revenge

Gilbert did not feel like explaining himself any further after seeing Kisa’s emotionless face.

‘Whatever. I can’t control what she thinks. It’s not the first time she’s acted like this anyway.”

He did not wipe the word off the mirror because he wanted the Mullens to see it.

All the Mullens gathered at the living during noontime.

The sons of Mr. Mullen Sr. and their wives stood at different sides.

Arthur and Jane stood behind Mr. and Mrs. Mullen Sr.

All of their faces looked very serious, and the atmosphere felt extremely tense

Carrie was the one who spoke first as she smiled at Kisa pretentiously. “Mrs. Kooper, did you offend somebody recently, so they’re coming after you?”

Gilbert sat on the sofa while hugging Kisa.

He looked relaxed as he spoke in a scornful manner, “Are you saying that even though the Mullen residence is huge, the security system here is crappy? Any person could get in here in broad daylight, and I can’t even imagine what would happen at night. I guess someone could be killed here and none of you wouldn’t even notice.”

The look on Carrie’s face changed. “That’s not what I meant, I…

“That’s enough. You’d better keep your mouth shut when nobody asked you to speak!” Mrs. Mullen Sr. said angrily at Carrie as a disdainful look flashed across her face.

Carrie pursed her lips and shifted her gaze at her husband, who was standing opposite her

She found out that her husband was just standing there with his head down.

‘Hmph! Coward!’

Mr Mullen Sr. kept his silence.

Then, Mrs. Mullen Sr. smiled and said to Gilbert, “I’m sorry that you and Mrs. Kooper have to go. through this in my house. I assure you that my family will do everything we can to find out what happened.”

“Well, thank you for that. It’s already very kind of you to let us stay here.” Kisa said courteously.

Mrs. Mullen Sr. laughed. “Don’t mention it. My family is not just an ordinary family, after all. It’s never a problem for us to provide you with a place to stay. However, this is very strange. After all, nobody has ever dared to mess with us in our own home!”

Kisa did not know if it was just a false impression, but she felt like Mr. Mullen Sr.’s eyes sparkled when he heard what Mrs. Mullen Sr. said.

However, it happened very fast. Mr. Mullen Sr. was still sitting there and smoking calmly when. Kisa tried to take a closer look at him.

Mrs. Mullen Sr. looked at the people around her and said sternly, “Step forward right now if you’re

the one who sneaked into Mr. and Mrs. Kooper’s room to mess with them. You’d better not beg for mercy when it’s too late.

“If I find out who did this, I’m going to kick you out of our family, no matter who you are!”

However, none of them stepped forward despite how serious Mrs. Mullen Sr. sounded and looked.

Kisa swept her glance across the people in the room and her gaze fell on Anthony.

He stood at the side lazily with a loosed tie, looking impatient and gloomy.

Anthony looked at Kisa as if he noticed that she was gazing at him. Annoyed, he said, “What are you looking at? I wouldn’t do such a harmless and ridiculous thing if I really wanted to mess with you. I wouldn’t use lipstick, but… human blood!”

“Shut up!”

Mrs. Mullen Sr. shouted after Anthony said that.

Jane’s face turned pale as she immediately went over to grab Anthony’s arm. “What were you talking about? You’re showing off at the wrong time. Just keep your mouth shut when if it has nothing to do with you.”

“Heh heh.. Jane, are you hiding something?” Carrie mocked Jane.

Then, Lydia added, “Yeah, Jane. Why are you so worried? Besides, why would Mrs. Kooper look at Anthony if he didn’t do it?”

Gloria chimed in, “I heard that Anthony made himself an enemy to Mrs. Kooper back at Calthon Anthony is so immature. He should’ve never messed with our guests like that in our own home no matter how resentful he is. This is so embarrassing.”

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