Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1253

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1253

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1253

Chapter 1253 Horrifying Words on the Mirror

Gilbert looked at the mirror subconsciously and found out that there was a huge “DIE” written in red on the mirror.

At first glance, it looked like it had been written in blood.

Kisa was so scared, that her face turned pale.

She took off her clothes and went to take a shower as soon as she got inside just now and did not notice what was on the mirror at all.

Her scalp tingled after she noticed it.

‘Turns out I wasn’t imagining things when I struggled and heard somebody laughing creepily beside me.

“It was real that somebody came into my room and wrote that on the mirror in the bathroom.

“Who is that person?

What have I done to them?

Why are they doing this?”

Gilbert patted her back reassuringly and said in a low voice, “Wait outside. I’ll have a look at it.”

Kisa nodded uneasily. Then, she turned around and left the bathroom.

She had not yet gotten over the nightmare she just had, yet she saw the horrifying word in the mirror Her limbs felt cold from fear.

She went back to the bed and covered herself with the blanket as she could only feel safer that way

After a while, Gilbert came out of the bathroom.

He strode toward Kisa and held her in his arms. Then, he said in a low voice, “It’s fine. I looked at it, and it was only lipstick. Somebody wrote that on the mirror with lipstick.”

“But who’s that person? Kisa looked at him. Her face was filled with fear and anxiety. “I didn’t tell you this just now, but I heard a woman laughing creepily beside the bed before you came in.”

Gilbert immediately furrowed his brows. “But I didn’t see anybody at all when I came up.”

Kisa grabbed his arm tightly as she thought of how she felt like somebody was staring at her. eerily last night in the backyard.

Her gaze darkened as she looked at Gilbert, “Gilbert, I feel like there’s a mysterious person hiding. in this house, and that person doesn’t like me at all.”

Gilbert squinted as his eyes turned cold. “Who do you think that person is?”

…Sara Mitchell.”

“That’s not possible. The man denied her assumption right away. “Sara almost got defiled by Mr.

Mullen Sr. back then. She hates and is afraid of the Mullen family. It’s impossible for her to be hiding here.”

Gilbert figured that Sara could be anywhere in this world, but never at the Mullen residence.

Kisa looked down and stopped speaking after looking at Gilbert’s cold and stern eyes.

‘He’d subconsciously defend that woman no matter what.”

Kisa’s mood immediately became worse.

She pulled her hand out from the man’s huge palm and got up. Then, she said flatly, “It’s just a guess. Don’t worry.”

Gilbert frowned. “I wasn’t…”

“You should go downstairs now. I’ll be with you after getting changed.

Gilbert stood beside the bed without moving as an irritated look appeared on his face.

‘Why did she become so cold suddenly? Did she misunderstand something again?”

Kisa had no choice but to take her clothes and went into the bathroom after seeing how the man just stood there.

She dared not to look in the mirror because the word was still there. So, she quickly got changed and went out of the bathroom.

Gilbert was smoking by the window. He put his cigarette out and went to her as soon as he saw her coming out.

“I was just telling you what I thought objectively when I said that it was impossible for that person to be Sara. I wasn’t defending her, okay?”

Unexpectedly, Gilbert explained to her.

However, Kisa did not buy it.

She figured that he would not speak in such a worried tone if he was not trying to defend Sara.

Also, she noticed how loving Gilbert’s voice sounded when he said Sara’s name.

Kisa nodded despite what was going on in her head. “Okay.”

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