Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1260

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1260

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1260

Chapter 1260 You Investigated Behind My Back

Kisa was taken aback. She then realized the cigarette in his hand was stretched out of the window as if he was afraid of burning her. “Then, just smoke. No one is stopping you.”

Gilbert stared at her for a few seconds and glanced at her belly. “Ugh. I have got to quit smoking.” The man tugged on his tie, as he was a little annoyed. Then, he stubbed out his cigarette.

“Why did you do that? It’s not like I can’t inhale it right now,” Kisa stared at him in a daze and said.” What is wrong with this man? When my health was at risk back then, he could not stop smoking in front of me. He would even deliberately puff out the smoke to my face. Now that I’m fine, he’s suddenly being considerate. He’s so fake,’ Kisa thought.

She tried to change the topic and asked for the third time, “Did your uncle actually send a letter to grandma?”

Gilbert stared at her with a playful demeanor and replied, “Didn’t you say you weren’t interested in my uncle’s affairs? Why are you getting so worked up?”

“Uhh…’ Kisa could not find an excuse. She had to admit it. “Okay, okay. I wanted to stay here. because I wanted to find out more about your Uncle David.”

Gilbert frowned slightly. “How did you know my uncle had something to do with the Mullen family?”

“I found out by accident. I found out that he was staying with them for a while.”

“You investigated quite a bit behind my back, huh?” The man’s tone was cold.

Kisa lowered her gaze and suddenly said with a sad face, “Grandma always talked sh*t about my mom and that she ruined your uncle’s future. She held a grudge against me because of my mother, so I

wanted to find out what had happened between them back then. But, grandmal refused to talk about it. My mom is dead, so I could only find out what happened through your Uncle David. I accidentally came upon the fact that he had stayed here for a long time, so I came here in celebration of Mr. Mullen Sr.’s birthday to find out more about where he is.”

Gilbert stared at her with a deep gaze. “So, you’re investigating behind my back because you want to know what happened between my uncle and your mother, and you want to prove your mother’s innocence so that grandma would stop resenting you two?”

“Yes. I know my mom is nowhere near how grandma described her. I want to know what they did. to make grandma hate her that much,” Kisa said seriously.

Gilbert stared at her for a long time but did not see any loose ends. ‘This woman is probably telling the truth,’ he thought. Suddenly, he reached out and pulled the woman into his arms. His. tone was much gentler than before. “Why didn’t you tell me about it? I could have helped you.”

Kisa was startled at Gilbert’s sudden change of attitude. After a while, she said in a muffled voice,” I was afraid that you’d think I have other intentions. I mean, you always think badly of me.”

“Don’t you do the same?” Gilbert snorted. Kisa did not want to argue with him, so she continued to talk about the letter. “Now, can you tell me when David sent the letter to grandma, and what are the contents?”

“Not long ago,” said Gilbert, not intending to hide it from her. Even if she did not tell him her reasons, he would have told her about it if she had just asked a few more times.

“Do you remember Sharon being locked up for causing your miscarriage? My uncle sent a letter to grandma, asking her to withdraw the lawsuit.”

When Kisa heard that, she frowned fiercely.

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