Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1261

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1261

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1261

Chapter 1261 Surrounded by Lies

“Grandma withdrew the lawsuit because of that letter?” Kisa was getting more and more confused. “Why did David help Sharon? Does he have a connection with the Case family?”

Gilbert shook his head. “I checked. My uncle had nothing to do with the Case family, but… Carolyn seemed to have a crush on him many years ago.”

“What?” Kisa was utterly shocked, and something flashed through her mind so fast that she could not even grasp it. She sat down on the chair with her mind all over the place. ‘Why did David save Sharon from the lawsuit? Could it be because of Carolyn? Does David like her? No, no, no. That’s impossible. If David liked her, she wouldn’t have married Christopher. With her personality, she would definitely choose David…

‘Did Carolyn beg him to write the letter? But, that’s rather unlikely… She wouldn’t be keeping quiet if she knew about David’s whereabouts. Plus, there’s no way she had a big fight with Christopher because of Adrien if she liked David. Unless… Unless Adrien and David are the same person!

‘But, if Adrien is David, that means Jensen… is his son. And, Jensen wanted to introduce Adrien to me… What the hell? The more I think about it, the more terrified and confused I feel.’ Kisa felt like she had been living in a huge lie that involved a lot.

Gilbert saw how uncomfortable the woman looked and could not help but ask, “What’s wrong?. What are you thinking?”

Kisa shook her head. She leaned on the table and said in a muffled voice, “Can you find out where your uncle is?”

“No,” Gilbert said bluntly. “The letter only shows that he is still alive. There’s no address on it. It’s like he’s afraid of being found.”

Kisa did not press further. She had a vague plan to verify that Adrien was David. ‘A lot could be cleared up if he really is him. I can also ask him where my brother is. If he isn’t David, I’ll have to continue looking for him with the limited clues I have. But… How am I going to verify his identity? Adrien is getting more and more unpredictable these days. I can’t make it too obvious. Otherwise, he’ll know that I’m onto him.”

Kisa ran into Arthur that night. He was carrying a lot of food to the backyard. Thinking that he was visiting his aunt, Kisa followed him. The glowing moonlight brightened the gravel road. The wind was chilly, making the backyard feel a little desolate. Arthur looked at the woman who suddenly. appeared beside him and frowned. “What are you doing?” he asked.

“Are you visiting your aunt?”

“Yeah. Why?” Arthur was an honest kid. Whenever someone asked him anything, he would reply without any hesitation.

Kisa had a good impression of Arthur. She smiled and said, “I’ll come with you.”

“No. My aunt doesn’t like visitors.”

“I must go see her. After all, the person who hurt her is my husband’s uncle. I should go and apologize on behalf of them.”

Arthur frowned immediately and stared at her suspiciously.

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