Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1262

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1262

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1262

Chapter 1262 You Deceived Him

Arthur’s suspicion was so apparent that Kisa was speechless. “I’m not lying; honest!”

“No one can be sure. You lie so much that you played your husband like a fiddle.”

“Pfft-“Kisa laughed out. She knew that she was not that capable since Gilbert was hard to deceive. ‘I could only ever fool him on small matters. How am I to play him like a fiddle?

“I’m telling the truth this time. The person who hurt her was my husband’s uncle, so in a sense, he is my uncle too. Seeing how badly your aunt reacted today, I feel bad. I want to apologize to her on behalf of the Kooper family,” Kisa said with a sincere look.

Arthur did not doubt her any further when he saw how sincere she looked. He nodded and said, ” My aunt hasn’t been her best self these past two days. Her mood is constantly fluctuating. You should pay close attention and try not to provoke her.”

“Okay,” Kisa nodded as she followed him toward the fake rock. A small courtyard was on the other side of the rockery, and a wooden cabin stood past an archway.

Vivian’s legs were not strong enough, so living in the tiny house in the courtyard was much more. convenient. There were two servants in the house, One was adjusting the blanket on Vivian’s lap while the other was making tea. Vivian’s expression was a little dull. She stared at the crutches at the door without moving an inch.

Arthur, on the other hand, was very lively. “Aunt Vivian, I’m here!” He shouted when he entered the door. Vivian had a slow reaction to his voice. Her gaze gradually moved out the door, and she could not help smiling when she saw Arthur. It was a faint smile, but still a smile.

Immediately after that, her gaze shifted to Kisa, who was standing beside Arthur. Vivian’s face. turned cold. Maybe it was because Kisa was an outsider. When Arthur saw that sudden change of expression, he quickly said, “Aunt Vivian, this is my friend. She came to visit.” Arthur was a smart kid. He knew that Vivian would react badly if she knew that Kisa was the daughter-in-law of the Kooper family, so he introduced her as his friend.

The servants pushed Vivian out of the cabin. There was a table and some chairs out in the yard. Arthur asked Kisa to sit as he put all the food he had brought on the table. “Aunty, I brought you more yummy food this time,” he said with a smile.

“You guys go ahead. I’m not hungry,” Vivian replied. Her mood was fairly stable at the moment. She was not angry at all, but there was still a hint of sadness and resentment on her pale face.

‘She must love and hate David at the same time, just like how I felt for Gilbert back then, Kisa thought. A light flickered in her eyes as she smiled at Vivian in a friendly manner and said, “Arthur told me that you’re a very nice and talented person. It’s a pity that you got into a car accident…”

Vivian frowned when she heard that, and her face looked cold. “Seeing you like this, Ms. Mullen, 1 can’t help but think of what I went through. How sad and hopeless I felt,” Kisa said. In an instant, Vivian’s gaze on her turned from coldness into suspicion. “You went through grief and despair?”

Kisa did not say much. She just took off her jacket and put it on Vivian. When Arthur saw that, hist face turned red, and he muttered, “What are you doing?” He then hurriedly turned his face away. but Kisa ignored him and showed Vivian her back which was covered with horrific burn scars.

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