Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1264

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1264

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1264

Chapter 1264 I Didn’t Know You Had Such A Tragic Past

‘This shows that my word got through her,’ Kisa thought to herself.

She thought again, ‘If I want to learn about David, I can only start with Vivian. There’s a saying that people with similar experiences feel sympathy for one another, so it’ll be easier for them to reach out to each other. I need to make Vivian let her guard down if I want to get closer to her. That’s why I told her about my messy and painful past. That way, Vivian might think she isn’t the most. miserable person.’

Seeing how Kisa did not move, Vivian darkened her expression. She said to Arthur, “Hurry up and scram with your friend!”

“Oh, oh, don’t be mad, Aunty Vivian. We’ll leave now, We’ll leave…”

Arthur said while tugging Kisa’s arm in a panic. Then, they walked out to the courtyard.

Kisa turned around and saw Vivian with one arm on the table and the other on her wheelchair. She had a dark expression on her face and a hint of hatred in her eyes.

Kisa smiled slightly.

‘My words definitely got through to Vivian. Even though she’s kicking me out now, I have a feeling that she’ll have a heart-to-heart chat with me soon. While she might not find me on her own stead, at the very least, she won’t kick me out the next time I come over. How could someone kind like her drive away someone who’s also gotten incredibly hurt by a man?’ thought Kisa.

“Kisa, I didn’t know you had such a tragic past.”

After they got to the courtyard, Arthur exclaimed in shock before sighing.

Kisa smiled at him. “You couldn’t tell I got badly hurt, right?”

“Mhm,” Arthur nodded furiously.

He continued, “To me, you have a glamorous appearance. You don’t look like you’ve gotten heartbroken before.”

“I died twice,” Kisa said casually as if she was talking about someone else’s matter.

Arthur looked at her in admiration. “You’re very strong. You look like you’re doing well right now. If only my aunt could also cheer up someday.”

Vivian heard the two’s conversation.

She lay down on the table. Her shoulder trembled because of her suppressed cries.

‘Cheer up? That’s easier said than done. But, that woman doesn’t have it any easier than me. If she can cheer up, why can’t I?’ thought Vivian.

Arthur and Kisa did not walk far away from the courtyard before they bumped into Adrien.

He was smoking while leaning against a rock.

Kisa only noticed his presence because she saw the sparks between his fingers.

Kisa walked over and asked him in confusion, “What are you doing here, Mr. Tanner?” Adrien smiled and said in an amiable voice, “The moon’s beautiful tonight. I’m taking a walk around the backyard.”


Kisa nodded as a dark glint flashed across her eyes.

She pointed behind at Vivian’s place and said, “Arthur and I came over to visit his aunt.”

“Ms. Mullen is a poor soul. She seems to have mistaken me as her beloved,” Adrien smiled a little awkwardly.

Then, he continued, “But if it’ll help Ms. Mullen get better, I’m fine with pretending to be her beloved. However, it seems like she also hates that beloved of hers, which is why I’m a little hesitant if I should continue appearing in front of her. Sometimes, I want to console her, but she’s suddenly reminded of her hate toward her beloved. Then, she’ll yell at me emotionally,” Adrien said while shrugging in resignation.

Kisa smiled. Then, she purposefully said, “Well, come to think of it, this is entirely the eldest son of the Kooper family’s fault.”

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