Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1265

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1265

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1265

Chapter 1265 The Secret in The Archway

Kisa said as she peered at Adrien’s expression.

Adrien nodded, “I heard about this from Mr. Mullen Sr. too. He said the eldest son of the Kooper family had hurt Ms. Mullen back then, so it’s no surprise the Mullen family don’t like the Kooper family.”

“Yeah. I want to atone for his sins, so I purposefully came over to console Ms. Mullen.”

“You’re… helping the Kooper family atone for their sins?” Adrien looked at Kisa in amusement.

He continued, “You don’t have to atone for their sin. Isn’t there Gilbert?”

Kisa shook her head. “Ms. Mullen is a good person. It doesn’t matter who’s atoning for the sins. I, too, went through similarly unforgettable and hopeless suffering, so it’s better for me to console her instead. Rather than saying that I’m atoning for the sins in the Kooper family’s stead, I’m merely standing in the viewpoint of a woman who’s gotten hurt and wants to help Ms. Mullen get better.”

Adrien nodded and said, “You’re right.”

Kisa glanced at him and said half-jokingly, “Nevertheless, why do I feel like you’re being quite attentive toward Ms. Mullen?”

Adrien maintained his composure and laughed, “Ha-ha. Just as you said, Ms. Mullen is a good person. I felt sorry seeing her like this. Besides, I have a similar physique as her beloved, so I felt even worse. That’s why I wanted to talk some sense into her and help her get better soon.”

Kisa stared at him for a while. His expression remained gentle and calm.

Since she could not detect any other traces of emotions on his face, she could not help but feel a little disappointed.

Kisa smiled coolly and said, “You’re always so kind and amiable, Mr. Tanner.”

Adrien patted Kisa’s head and smiled, “I like beautiful things, so I hope that everyone will be happy and well.”

Kisa smiled. However, she felt a little revolted.

‘No matter how I think about it, his words sound so ingenuine,’ she thought.

Kisa then smiled at Adrien and said, “Thankfully, you didn’t bring Aunt Carolyn over. Otherwise, she might get jealous seeing you being so attentive toward Ms. Mullen. She might even make a fuss at the Mullen residence.”

“Ha-ha. She wanted to come, but it’s a shame your father didn’t let her.”

Kisa pursed her lips and smiled. Then, she casually asked, “She and my father’s divorce proceedings are almost complete, huh?”

“Mhm. Almost.”

“That’s good. Forcing two people who don’t love each other to stay together will be painful for them.”

After making small talk with Adrien for a while, Kisa wanted to go back inside.

She smiled at Adrien and said, “It’s getting late, so we’ll be returning to our rooms now. You should do the same too, Mr. Tanner.”

“Mhm. I’ll do that when I’m done smoking.”

On the side of the rockery was an archway.

Kisa had never been there.

When she thought of the eerie gaze she felt last night, she had an idea.

Kisa dragged Arthur toward the archway.

‘The eerie gaze came from this direction twice,’ she thought.

Inside the archway was pitch black. It was secluded and desolated.

‘I definitely wouldn’t come at night if I was alone. I could use this opportunity to take a look since Arthur is here with me. After all, Arthur is the eldest grandson in the Mullen family, so Mr. Mullen Sr. won’t say a thing about us wandering around the courtyard,’ she thought.

Just as they got to the archway, Arthur stopped. He flung Kisa’s hand away and asked in resignation, “What are you doing, Kisa?”.

“What’s that place? It looks like it takes up a lot of space.”

“It’s nothing. Just some grove and greenery. Oh, there’s also a garden. They’re all inside.”

“A garden? Then, it must be beautiful. Could you bring me there to take a look?”

“You can’t see it even if it’s beautiful. It’s nighttime. What can you see?”

“There’s the moonlight. Wouldn’t the garden look even more beautiful under the dim moonlight?” Kisa said.

Then, she took the lead and walked in.

Arthur quickly pulled her back. “You can’t go in there.”

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