Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1267

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1267

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1267

Chapter 1267 Are You Jealous

Kisa quickly forced a smile and said, “I’m curious, but I also love my life. So, I won’t go seeking death.”

“That’s good. Go upstairs and get some rest, Kisa. Thank you for consoling my aunt today.”

“You’re most welcome. If you’re free tomorrow, we’ll go see your aunt again. We’ll try to help her cheer up.”

“Mhm, okay. Then, I’ll ask you to come with me when I go see her tomorrow.”

Gilbert stood by the window. He stared at the two silhouettes downstairs with a stoic expression. as they chatted and laughed. Then, his expression darkened.

He exhaled a smoke ring as he slowly narrowed his cold. eyes.

Shortly after, Kisa returned to their room.

She opened the door, and the light in the room made her feel a lot calmer.

When she lifted her gaze, she saw the man standing in front of the window with his back facing. her.

Kisa subconsciously smiled at the sight of the man. She did not feel a hint of uneasiness and fear.

She closed the door and strode over. “You’re back early today.”

Gilbert went out in the afternoon.

And, Kisa thought he would return late.

However, the man did not respond and did not even spare a glance at her.

Kisa was skeptical. She ran to his side and tilted her head to glance at him..

‘Oof! His expression is so dark. It’s like he’s the devil himself, she thought.

Kisa moved closer to him out of reflex.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen? Why are you in such a bad mood?”

“You seem to get along really well with that boy from the Mullen family?”

Kisa was startled.

A moment later, she followed his gaze and turned to look out the window.

‘Is what he saw from this direction coincidentally the cobblestone path Arthur and I walked past. just now? Is he angry because I was with Arthur? thought Kisa.

At this thought, Kisa could not help but roll her eyes.

“Arthur and I were together just now because we had serious business.”

Gilbert turned to look at her but did not speak. He was still giving her a deathly glare. It was cold.

and icy.

Kisa could not stand his gaze, so she moved further away.

However, the man immediately reached out and pulled her over. Then, he bossily wrapped his arms around her waist.

Kisa could not stand him. “Are you nuts? I already told you Arthur can practically be my younger brother. What is wrong with you? Are you jealous?”

‘J-Jealous?’ she thought.

Kisa was startled for a moment. Then, she stared at him in disbelief, “Gilbert, don’t… Don’t tell me you’re actually jealous of Arthur?”

Gilbert narrowed his eyes and stared at her for a few seconds. Moments later, he shoved her aside forcefully.

“Don’t flatter yourself. Why would I be jealous of a kid?”

The man’s dark expression had traces of embarrassment.

Kisa leaned toward him. She stared unblinking at him with her big, bright eyes. “If you’re not jealous, then why are you so bothered by me being with Arthur?”

“Did I say I’m bothered by you being with him?”

“You… Aren’t you in such a bad mood because you saw me with him while you were standing here?

‘I really think that’s the case, thought Kisa.

However, Gilbert snorted sardonically, “I’m angry because I waited for you in the f*cking room for the whole day, and I still didn’t see you return.”

‘Um… Gilbert rarely curses. However, I don’t feel repulsed by his cursing. I must be going crazy,” Kisa thought.

Kisa peered at his angered expression and asked, “Why were you waiting for me?”

“You said you were scared and told me to come home early every day. Instead, you ended up having a rendezvous outside with a pretty boy. Kisa Becker, you should let the pretty boy keep you company

instead. Why do you still need me?”

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