Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1268

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1268

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1268

Chapter 1268 I’m Here; They Wouldn’t Dare

The man’s tone had a hint of resentment.

Kisa was startled for a while. She could not understand the reason he was angry.

She said softly, “Since you came back early, you could have gone to sleep early. It’s not like I asked you to wait for me.”


Gilbert immediately narrowed his eyes. In an instant, there was a ruthless look in his eyes.

Kisa quickly forced a smile, I know you’re worried about me. Thank you for waiting for me. You don’t know how reassured I felt when I opened the door and saw you in the room.”

While my words sound ingratiating, they’re also the truth,’ she thought.

However, the man responded slowly in an icy tone, “Who’s worried about you? Don’t flatter yourself.”

Then, he turned around and walked to the bed.

Kisa glared at the man’s back and cursed at him in her head.

“You nutjob,’ she thought.

However, what she did not see was that the man couldn’t help but smile after turning around.

Kisa stared at his back for a moment and increasingly felt the man seemed like someone with multiple personalities.

He was occasionally menacingly fierce, sometimes incredibly sweet, and at times-like now- volatile and strange.

Gilbert saw the woman standing still with a scrunched-up face.

He threw a nightrobe at her, “It’s getting late. Hurry up and go shower.”

Kisa subconsciously hugged the nightrobe.

She watched the man lean onto the headboard as he grabbed a magazine. Then, he read it in silence.

After staring at the man for a few seconds, Kisa turned around and went to the bathroom.

She subconsciously glanced at the mirror the moment she entered because of the writings she saw on it during the day.

The mirror had been wiped clean.

However, Kisa still felt freaked out and did not dare to look in the mirror.

She turned around to ask the man on the bed, “Say, do you think the person will come in and mess around tonight?”

“I’m here; they wouldn’t dare.”


Gilbert responded coolly. Suddenly, he lifted his gaze and looked at her, “However, if you wanted to catch the person in the act, I could move to another room. If I’m not around, that person might come in to do these things to scare you again. Then, you could use the opportunity to catch the person.”

When Kisa thought of the nightmare from the morning, the creepy, icy laugh by her bed, and the blood writing on the mirror, she abruptly felt a chill run down her spine.”

“Forget it. This is good,” she said.

Then, she closed the door and stood under the shower.

‘I really want to know who’s messing with me, but this is still the Mullen family’s territory, after all. If this person can do such things without anyone noticing, then they’re highly like to be someone. from the Mullen family. Maybe it’s Mr. Mullen Sr.; he might want to intimidate Gilbert. After all, Mr. Mullen Sr. has always hated the Kooper family. Either way, it’s safer for me to stay with this man,” thought Kisa.

Kisa found the bathroom creepy because of the writings on the mirror she had seen during the day.

She quickly showered and came out of the bathroom.

When she saw the empty bed, she immediately felt panicked and hurriedly looked around.

However, Gilbert was nowhere to be seen in the huge room.

Kisa was not sure if it was in her head, but the atmosphere in the room had turned creepy.

She quickly walked to the door. Then, she opened the door and looked outside.

It was currently 10 o’clock.

The lights in the Mullen residence were still on, but it was particularly quiet, not a single sound could be heard.

Kisa did not dare to go downstairs to look for Gilbert.

After some thought, she decided to stay in the room.

She walked by the window and picked up her phone. Just as she was about to call Gilbert, she saw a silhouette downstairs from the corner of her eye.

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