Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1269

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1269

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1269

Chapter 1269 I Want to Prove My Innocence

Kisa subconsciously turned to look. To her surprise, the silhouette was Gilbert.

“How’d he get to the courtyard within such a short period of time? He’s still in his night robe,’ she thought.

Kisa then glanced at the courtyard behind him; it was pitch black. Only Vivian’s place had some light, and the other places did not look different.

Her gaze was fixated on Gilbert. After the man entered the house, she finally shifted her gaze.

A while later, Gilbert finally returned.

“What were you doing just now?” Kisa asked curiously the moment the man entered the room. Gilbert shut the door and glanced at Kisa. A moment later, he responded indifferently. “Nothing.” Then, he leaned onto the headboard and stared at a random spot in a daze.

Gilbert scrunched up his brows as his eyes darkened; he seemed to be thinking about something. Kisa could not figure out what he was thinking, but she sensed he had a heavy heart. She pursed her lips. Then, she suppressed her curiosity and did not ask more questions. “That’s how he is. If he doesn’t want to tell me, there’s no use asking him,’ she thought. She climbed into the bed and started scrolling on her phone with her back facing him.

“Sometimes, this man would blame me for not telling him a thing. But isn’t he the same? He’s always hiding things from me. If he doesn’t want to tell me, so be it!’ she thought.

Kisa continued scrolling through her phone and tried her best to kill the curiosity she felt,

‘However, how he appeared in the backyard just now was really strange. He wouldn’t have gone down all of a sudden unless he saw something. After all, he should be getting ready for bed at this. hour. So what in the world did he see? What should I do? The more I think about it, the more curious I feel,’ she thought..

Kisa sighed heavily. After that, she pretended to inadvertently glance at the man.

However, she met with the man’s dark eyes the man she glanced over.

She felt panicked.

She quickly turned back around and continued to scroll through her phone casually.

However, Kisa did not process whatever was playing on her phone.

She felt tense and kept on detecting the movements of the man behind her.

After a long while, Gilbert finally spoke, “I saw the figure again just now.”

Kisa was startled. For a moment, she could not process his words and subconsciously asked, ” What figure?”

Just as she finished asking, she immediately remembered.

‘He must be talking about the figure that resembled Sara Mitchell a lot. After all, only that would make him so emotional, panicked, and….smitten. I was curious why he’d run to the backyard all of a sudden, so it was that figure,’ thought Kisa.

Suddenly, the man spoke, “The figure that resembled Sara.”

‘Hmph. Sara… Such an intimate way to address her,’ thought Kisa.

She was no longer in the mood to be on her phone.

Kisa turned off her phone and threw it to the nightstand. Then, she pulled up the blankets and pretended as if she were about to sleep.

However, she still asked dully, “Is that so? You still didn’t catch her this time, huh…”

“Why else would you be this down, huh?’ she thought jealously.

Before she could speak her mind, the man promptly answered coolly, “I caught up with her.”

Kisa was startled. She turned to look at him as a reflex, “You caught up with her?”


Kisa quickly sat up and asked in shock, “Then… Then where is she? You should ask her to come to see me. We’re all here. We could get things straight and see if I was the one who kidnapped her back then!”

In the end, Kisa’s expression turned oddly serious.

Gilbert stared deeply at her for a moment. Suddenly, he reached out to caress her long hair before chuckling lowly, “You don’t have to do this. I believe you didn’t kidnap her back then.”

“What’s the use of you believing me?” Kisa flung his hand away.

She continued, “I don’t only want you to trust me; I also want to prove my innocence.”

After she said that, she sat up and got out of the bed.

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