Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1270

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1270

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1270

Chapter 1270 You Must Be Very Disappointed

“Where is that woman? Is she in the backyard? I’ll go find her. We must clarify everything that happened back then.”

Gilbert was experiencing complex emotions when he saw how emotional that woman was. He knew she must have felt wronged when he misjudged her all those years back. He wanted to make up for it, but she refused to accept his efforts.

He pulled Kisa back and said, “There’s no need to go after that woman. It isn’t her.”

Kisa was taken aback. “It isn’t?”

“No, it isn’t.”

Kisa felt discouraged and leaned into Gilbert’s arms. She had thought that it was her. “I was mentally prepared to confront the woman, but he said it wasn’t her.”

Kisa could not help but feel a sense of loss in her heart.

“Even though all of Gilbert’s attention would be focused on Sara once she appears and I won’t be known as Mrs. Kooper or the wife of GK’s CEO anymore, I still hope that she’ll appear so that I can find out everything that happened back then… and so that Gilbert can stop deliberately pretending to be affectionate toward me. If Sara suddenly appeared, this man would stop pretending to care about me.’

Gilbert pulled Kisa under the blanket and said, “That woman really looked like Sara, but when I caught up, I saw that she was just a friend of Ms. Mullen.”

“You must be very disappointed,” Kisa suddenly said.

Gilbert was stunned for a moment. After a while, he raised his eyebrows and said, “What do you mean by that?”

Kisa looked into his eyes which were filled with anger, and said with a smile, “Didn’t you try to look for her, even in your dreams? Weren’t you disappointed when you realized that woman who looked so much like her wasn’t her? Even I’m disappointed, to be honest.”

Gilbert did not speak. He just stared at her.

She continued, “Sara must still be alive. She ran away, but if she returns one day, I will give her the title of Mrs. Kooper.”

“Are you

done?” Gilbert growled, trying to hold back his temper.

‘How dare she go on and on when I didn’t even say anything about it?! She’s so annoying!” he thought.

“When Sara returns, you don’t have to pretend to be affectionate toward me anymore. I don’t care. if you’re trying to compensate or make up for your actions in the past or whatever; I don’t need fake affection… Mm…*

Before she could finish her sentence, Gilbert kissed her to shut her up. He bit her lips maliciously. like he was trying to punish her. Kisp felt that her lips were going to bleed from all the biting. Her


lips were stinging in pain, and a salty and metallic taste filled her mouth.

Kisa hit him angrily a few times, and the man stopped. He let her go after that. However, his face was extremely dark. The coldness in his eyes was so terrifying that no one would dare to provoke him.

There was some blood on his lips, which made him look like a bloodthirsty demon.

The streak of blood belonged to Kisa, and her lips felt like they were burning. Her fingers were covered in blood when she reached out to touch it. She glared at the man angrily. “Why did he bite me so violently? I was willing to give up my place as Mrs. Kooper.”

Gilbert half propped himself up and pushed her body under his.


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