Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1273

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1273

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1273

Chapter 1273 She is Not Willing to Forgive Him

Kisa saw that Vivian’s complexion was much better than yesterday. Maybe it was the warm sun in the late autumn morning. Vivian was sitting in the courtyard with a blanket and a book in her lap. She leaned back on her wheelchair, and her eyes were slightly closed. It was a peaceful scene. Kisa was also happy to see that she was no longer sad.

Arthur brought Vivian lots of snacks, books, and fun crafts, all in one bag. He dumped the things onto the table and yelled, “Aunt Vivian, I’m here to see you again!”

Vivian slowly opened her eyes. She looked at Arthur and then at Kisa. Her gaze was not as cold and sharp as it had been yesterday. “Stella, go make some tea,” she said to one of the servants. Kisa smiled faintly and sat at the table with Arthur. He was a chatterbox, introducing Vivian to all kinds of stuff. Vivian listened to him calmly. Occasionally, a smile would appear on the corner of her lips.

“Arthur has quite the charisma. He’s somewhat capable of coaxing people and enlivening the atmosphere, Kisa thought as she listened to him on the side, drinking her tea. She wanted to ask. Vivian about David, but she knew that it was not the time since she had not come out of it yet.

After a long time, Vivian spoke. “Ms. Becker, I heard you’re here to visit my family with your husband.” She emphasized the word “husband” as if she suspected that the painful experience Kisa told her about last night was a lie. However, the injury on her back was not fake, so she was still unsure about it.

“Yes. I’m here with my husband, the man I told you about, the one who hurt me the most,” Kisa replied.

“So, you forgave him?” Vivian’s tone was slightly mocking.

‘That’s understandable. I wouldn’t believe it myself if I forgave someone for causing me that much pain. Though, it’s indisputable that I still have feelings for him. This is so contradictory of me,” she thought.

Kisa then looked at Vivian and said with a faint smile, “I wouldn’t call it forgiveness. In the beginning, I went back to him to get revenge.”

“What about now?”

Outside the yard, Gilbert was quietly leaning against the wall. The sparks from his cigarette were flickering under the autumn wind.

“Now..?” Kisa smiled absentmindedly. “I don’t really know, but it’s not forgiveness. That’s for sure.”

‘Not forgiveness, huh? Gilbert’s lips curved up slightly in self-deprecation and gloom. ‘Of course, she wouldn’t forgive me. She never will.’

Vivian stared at Kisa for a while and suddenly seemed to understand something. She smiled sadly and said, “I guess we fell too hard in love. So much that we can’t bear to let it go, even after being hurt.”

“Do you hate him?” Kisa asked. “Of course. But… I want to see him more than I hate him. I want to ask him why he lied.”

“If that’s the case, you should snap out of it, stand up, and go look for him. You can take your revenge when you find him. Isn’t that better than you being sad and depressed?”

“Stand up? It’s easier said than done, Ms. Becker. My legs..

“Don’t worry, Ms. Mullen. I know a man with excellent medical skills. I’ll ask him to come see you in two days.”

Vivian’s eyes lit up, but suddenly, a voice came from outside the courtyard.

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