Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1272

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1272

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272 I Can’t Have Two Husbands, Can I?

After Kisa and Arthur left the room, Gilbert slammed the book on the table with a gloomy look on his handsome face. “Kisa, did you have a fight with your husband?” Arthur asked abruptly as they walked on the gravel road in the backyard. Kisa was taken aback when she heard that. She smiled in surprise and said, “No. Why?”

“Well, when I went to your room to look for you, I saw his face, and it was terrifying, especially when he looked at me. It was like he was going to eat me alive. Did you guys have a fight before I went into the room?”

“Nah,” Kisa awkwardly laughed. ‘Ugh, why does that man always have to look so gloomy and scary? Can’t he control his facial expressions? We’re just guests at the Mullen residence, for goodness sake.’

“Kisa, I’m not sure if it’s my imagination, but I think your husband hates me.”

‘Oof. This little dude is rather straightforward, but he’s not wrong.’ Kisa thought. She smiled at him. and said, “Oh, it’s not that. He was just in a bad mood when you came in.”

“That’s good. For a second there, I thought I did something wrong,” Arthur sighed. “By the way, you told my aunt that your husband hurt you deeply. Is he… the same person as this one?” he asked again after some time.

“Well, yeah. I can’t have two husbands, can I?”

“No… I mean, why are you together if he hurt you? I mean, you were almost killed, and you lost your child. How could you forgive him?”

The smile on Kisa’s face disappeared. “Who said I forgave him?” She said casually. “Then… Why are you still with him?”

Kisa looked at Arthur and asked with a faint smile, “Does being together mean forgiveness?”

“I-Isn’t it..?” Arthur was confused.

Kisa smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “Oh, you’re still young, and you haven’t experienced much in the world yet. You’ll know why when the time comes.”

“You sound just like my uncle. He told me adult relationships are tough. But, I’m not a little kid anymore. I’m already 18!”

Kisa was slightly taken aback when she heard that. In her opinion, Anthony was cruel and did not understand emotions. She did not expect him to talk about relationships with Arthur.

“I’m not sure what my uncle is up to recently. He keeps coming home at late hours, and he rarely sees anyone during the day. He agreed to play with me during my vacation, but I don’t even get to see him much,” Arthur said.

At that moment, Kisa thought of Lea. If Anthony was sincere about treating Lea well, Kisa would ignore what happened in the past and wish them a good life. But, she was afraid that the man. would severely hurt Lea, which would eventually lead to an unnecessary tragedy.

Kisa saw what had happened that day. ‘Anthony would not let anyone hurt Lea if he actually liked.


her. But, why did he take her to the banquet if he didn’t have feelings for her? Plus, he should already know that she exposed herself and was no longer a pawn for his use. Why did he still hold onto her?’

Just as Kisa was thinking about it, the two of them reached Vivian’s courtyard.

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