Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1296

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1296

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1296

Chapter 1296 Most Likely a Quack

Kisa shook her head in disbelief. “I don’t know. I have irregular periods. I had bled like this the other day, but it cleared up a day after I got a jab and took some medication. It has only been ten days. Why is it bleeding again?” Kisa mumbled in confusion. “Could it be that my menstrual disorder has worsened?”

The doctor asked suspiciously, “Do you feel unwell anywhere?”

“I just got into an argument with someone and hit my back against the table. Then my kept hurting, and now the pain is getting stronger.”

The doctor’s expression turned grave. “I suggest you go for a check–up right away. I will write you a referral letter now. If you are married, you are probably pregnant.”

“W–What?” Kisa’s eyes widened in surprise, and the report in her hand dropped to the floor.

“This is no joke. It is better to get it checked. Don’t take it as a hassle. If you really are pregnant, the bleeding is a sign of miscarriage.”

Shock turned into panic. Kisa did not even dare to walk but froze in place. “I–I can’t possibly be pregnant. I–I fell earlier and hit the corner of the table, but I felt nothing at all. I–I had a serious injury a few years ago, and my periods had been irregular. So it would be difficult for me to conceive, isn’t it?” Kisa stammered because of shock.

“Difficult to conceive does not mean that you cannot conceive. In your friend’s case, the chances of her conceiving in the future are almost zero, but it is absolutely not impossible. It is hard to tell for sure,” the doctor said as she finished writing the referral letter for Kisa to get an ultrasound and a blood test. “Go

quickly. Get it checked, just in case. After all, you are bleeding now. It is better to find out what happened.”

“B–B–But a doctor friend of mine told me I just had irregular periods. He just asked me to take some supplements. He has examined me. So how could I be pregnant?”

The doctor frowned with displeasure. “If you doubt my professional judgment, you are free to not go for a check–up. It is up to you. By the way, your doctor friend is probably a quack, or he knows nothing about gynecology.”

Kisa swallowed in shock. Seeing the displeasure on the doctor’s face, she did not dare to question anything but took the referral letter, turned around, and walked outside. She was skeptical of what the doctor said but still heeded it and walked with care. She went ahead and paid the fee before going for the check–up. First, she went for a blood test and then headed to the ultrasound room. When the ultrasound was taken, her body stiffened. She did not dare to move or ask questions. After this was done and the ultrasound report was being printed, she wondered how she could possibly be pregnant. But the more she thought about it, the more she felt that there was a real possibility. After all, Gilbert had been particularly concerned about her belly for some time.

While she was thinking about it, the doctor handed her the report. “Okay, you can get out now. Next patient.”

Kisa walked out of the ultrasound room and only then dared to look at the report. When the words‘ 4– week pregnant‘ came into view, she froze.

‘I’m really pregnant? But last time Kelvin gave me a check–up, why didn’t he tell me? Why did he lie to me and say I had irregular periods? And Gilbert has been so concerned about my belly that he must have known I am pregnant for some time. But why did he not tell me and conspired with Kelvin to lie to me? What is he up to?‘

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