Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1297

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1297

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1297

Chapter 1297 Who to Blame

Countless questions hovered in her mind. When Kisa saw the words ‘signs of miscarriage,‘ her doubts were instantly gone. She tucked the ultrasound report away and hurried to get her blood test report.

When she returned to the doctor’s office, the doctor saw her anxious face and said confidently,” So, I was right–you are pregnant, aren’t you?”

Kisa quickly showed the doctor the two reports. “Take a look. I’m showing signs of miscarriage. What should I do?”

The doctor took the reports and looked at them carefully. Her eyes narrowed, and her expression serious. Kisa was on pins and needles, feeling like an invisible hand was strangling her and that she could not breathe. After a while, the doctor said, “Your condition is not serious. Take some medicines to stabilize your pregnancy. The hCG level in your blood is good. The bleeding should be caused by you hitting the table today, which is not a big problem. Just be careful from now on.

Kisa felt much more at ease upon hearing what the doctor said. However, while her baby was fine, Lea’s was gone. She felt heavy as she thought about Lea’s condition, and the joy of learning her pregnancy vanished. She looked at the time; two hours had passed since she left Lea’s ward, and Gilbert should be back from buying food by now.

Walking into the lobby of the inpatient building, she headed to the elevator with mixed emotions. Suddenly, a man came out of the elevator and took her into his arms, hugging her tightly.

“Where have you been?”

Before Kisa knew what had happened, an exasperated voice sounded above her. She did not need to look up to know it was Gilbert. Only his voice could be so antagonistic yet laced with a tinge of concern

and fear.

Gilbert walked to a corner with his arm around her, his mean eyes staring at her. “I just went downstairs to buy a meal, and you disappeared. Why do you like to run around so much?”

“I just went to pay the bills,” Kisa whispered.

“You f*cking need two hours to pay the bills?”

He was so mad and also apparently worried. But Kisa was unsure if he was worried about her or the baby in her womb. She stared at him and still could not figure out why he had to keep the fact of her pregnancy from her. If he had not conspired with Kelvin to lie to her, she might have gone to the hospital to get examined and found out about her pregnancy long ago.

Gilbert was not too happy when he noticed the suspicious look in her eyes. “What the f*ck is that look in your eyes? You ran off and caused me to look for you high and low. I haven’t even questioned you, yet you give me that look.”

“It’s not like I don’t have a cell phone. Couldn’t you just call me if you can’t find me?”

Gilbert could not find a word to respond. ‘Yeah. Why didn’t I think of calling her? Has my IQ deteriorated after being with her?‘

Earlier, Lea told Gilbert that the doctor had called Kisa away. All he knew was to search for Kisa in the hospital, the doctor’s office, and the outpatient building. He went back and forth several times but never found her. But he never thought of calling her.

“You are stupid yourself. So, who is to blame?”

“I dare you to say it again!” Gilbert said, forcing the words through his teeth. His tone of voice was hostile and cold.

Kisa did not bother to argue with him. Instead, she pushed him away and headed for the elevator. As Gilbert frowned at her, his eyes were instantly drawn to the speck of blood on her pants, and his heart sank.


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