Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1309

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1309

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1309

Chapter 1309 I’m Worthless

The man did not respond at all.

However, Kisa refused to believe that he did not hear her crying out in pain. After all, sharp and alert people like him were often light sleepers.

Regardless, the man still did not respond.

Kisa was frustrated.

‘He’s completely giving me the cold shoulder now? He’s even disregarding his child’s safety,’ she thought.

“It hurts! My stomach hurts so badly!”

Kisa said loudly and grunted out in anger.

Suddenly, the person beside her shot up. The man had sat up on the bed.

Before Kisa could react, the lights in the room were turned on.

She lifted her head and was met with a handsome, tense face.

“Why does your stomach hurt?” the man asked in a panic.

His slender, large hands covered her stomach and gently caressed it.

Kisa snorted lowly, “I’ve been crying out in pain for a while now. Weren’t you ignoring me? Why are you worried now?”

‘Her tone… Why does it sound like there isn’t pain at all but a hint of resentment instead?’ Gilbert wondered.

Gilbert frowned as he gazed at her healthy-looking complexion and the frustrated expression on her face.

Moments later, he said coolly, “I thought you were hurting somewhere else.”

“What do you mean?” Kisa huffed.

“Are you saying that the child is precious and I’m worthless? So it doesn’t matter where I’m hurting as long as it isn’t my stomach?”

‘Since she has so much energy to argue with me, I’m very sure that she was lying to me when she said her stor was hurting,’ he thought.

The man crossed his arms and leaned onto the headboard. Then, he side-eyeder icily.

“What are you doing staying up in the middle of the night?”

“Nothing. I just… I just have some questions I wanted to ask you,” Kisa said as she got up to lean onto the headboard.

The man raised an eyebrow as he watched her, “What questions?”

His tone remained icy.

Kisa touched her stomach and asked, “Why did you think that I would abort the child behind your back?”

Gilbert instantly narrowed his eyes, “Did Kelvin tell you?”

“It doesn’t matter who told me. Just answer my question.”

Gilbert was silent for a moment.

He took the box of cigarettes on the nightstand and shook it. He seemed a little irritated.

Just as one of the cigarettes was about to get shaken out, he quickly shoved it back in.

Kisa glanced at him and said quietly, “You mustn’t smoke for the baby’s sake.”

Gilbert did not speak. Instead, he toyed with the box of cigarettes in irritation.

After a while, he finally turned to look at her with evident annoyance in his eyes.

“Was I wrong? You told me more than once that you don’t want my child.”

“Well… No, I…”

“You didn’t want my child so badly that you even took contraceptives. Now that you were forced to get pregnant again, wouldn’t you secretly abort it?”

‘Oh… So this is the reason. I see where he’s coming from now. Previously, I did make it seem like I didn’t want his child, so it’s not surprising for him to have such thoughts. And I thought he misunderstood me in some way,’ Kisa thought.

She looked at Gilbert. Just as she was about to express her love for the child, the man suddenly spoke.

He said quietly, “Besides, you’ve never willingly bore my children. That’s why you never like any of my children. Back then, you even threatened me with the child you were carrying, so…”

“Hold on… Hold on… Hold on…”

Kisa quickly cut him off. Then, she glared at him with a frown, “You better get things straight. What do you mean I threatened you with the child I was carrying? When did I threaten you? You clearly didn’t want that child and kept on asking me to abort it.”

At the mentio this incident, Kisa immediately felt furious and upset.

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