Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1308

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1308

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1308

Chapter 1308 Two Children Between Them

Someone unlocked the door. Kisa’s body instinctively tensed up, and she turned to look at the door under her blanket. The door quickly opened and closed. A slender silhouette came into the frame, and Kisa saw it walk toward her slowly. She would have been scared to death if she was not already familiar with Gilbert’s figure. She knew that he was the one who had entered.

At first, Kisa thought that the Mullen residence was eerie and weird. She even had a terrible nightmare and was pranked by someone on her first day there. She would have had the shock of her life if someone else had entered the room.

The figure stood by her window for a while; she was unsure if he was looking at her. The figure did not speak, so she did not make a sound either. After a while, he walked quietly toward the bathroom.

Just as the figure was about to reach the bathroom door, a click sounded, and the wall lamp in the room turned on in an instant. The figure froze, and after a while, he turned to look at her.

Kisa wrapped the blanket around herself and sat up from the bed, watching him quietly. Neither of them spoke, and the air was eerily quiet. After a long time, Kisa was the one who said the first word. The man had always been able to stay calm when he wanted to.

“You’re back late,” Kisa said.

“Mhm,” the man responded lightly with no apparent emotion.

Kisa wanted to say something else, but the man had already turned around and entered the bathroom. It was obvious that he was still angry. Kisa looked at the time and saw that it was almost midnight. She got up and poured herself a glass of water as she lost the urge to sleep.

She then went back to the bed, leaned against the head of the bed, and stared at the bathroom door without blinking. There was the sound of rushing water from the bathroom.

She stared at the translucent door, lost in thought. ‘Why did he think I would dislike my own child and get rid of them? Is there some kind of… misunderstanding?’

Just as Kisa was thinking about it, the door suddenly opened. Gilbert came out looking angry. He wrapped a towel around his waist, revealing his muscular upper body. There were still drops of water on his body, which looked sexy and inviting.

Kisa, on the other hand, looked a little absent-minded. She only returned to her senses when the man walked ward the bed. She lowered her head and stared at the glass of water in her hand. The man did not look at her. Instead, he just went to the closet to find something to wear.

The air was deadly still once again. Kisa fumbled with the glass, wanting to speak up, but she did not know what to say.

After changing into his nightwear, Gilbert went around the bed and laid on the other side, about three feet away from Kisa. The man had no intention of talking to her and even ignored her as if she was not there. It seemed like he was about to sleep. Kisa bit her lower lip, quietly scolding the man for having a bad temper and for being difficult.

The man was lying with his back to her, motionless as if he had fallen asleep.

Kisa snorted mockingly. She then turned off the lights and lay with her back to him as well. ‘Hel always does this. He wants me to humor him every time he gets mad. Well, I’m not going to do it this time. After all, there’s nothing I want from him right now.’

The two had their backs to each other. They were so far apart that two children could fit in between them. After the man lay on the bed, he did not move or make a sound, like he was asleep; but Kisa could not fall asleep.

There was an inexplicable surge of anger in her heart. She had waited half the night for the man to return, but he just went to bed without saying a word. ‘Is he really giving me the silent treatment right now?’

The more Kisa thought about it, the angrier she felt.

Suddenly, Kisa had an idea. She held onto her stomach and said, “Ouch! It hurts, it hurts so bad…”

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