Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1307

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1307

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1307

Chapter 1307 How Vicious

Kelvin froze and shook his head frantically, but Kisa knew he was lying. After all, they did grow up together. Kisa knew he usually paused to think about whether to lie or not before answering.

“You’re telling me you don’t know?” Kisa asked, her face darkened.

“I–I don’t,” he replied.

“It seems that Gilbert did not want her to know why since he didn’t tell her. It’s best if I don’t say anything to save that man from going mad at me again. I can’t afford to mess with him right now.’

Kelvin thought about it and shook his head to show that he really did not know.

Kisa glanced at him coolly. “You know, I bled again today. I’m not sure why Gilbert wanted to hide me from the fact that I was pregnant. Maybe he didn’t want this child. He didn’t let me know on purpose so that I would have a miscarriage from not taking better care of myself. That way, he can relax without doing anything about it.”

“T-That’s not it…..”

“He doesn’t like the child I’m bearing for him,” Kisa laughed at herself, looking at the night outside the window. “He was hoping I wouldn’t care for myself and somehow get rid of the baby. He has thought about it carefully. How vicious he is to allow a mother to kill her own child. He hates this child so much that he doesn’t even want them to come into this world. How can he be so vicious…

“No, it’s not like that…” Kelvin was getting anxious. He did not want to say anything to the woman, but his mission was quickly becoming impossible.

“Gilbert likes the child very much. He cares a lot about them,” Kelvin said in a serious tone. Kisa could tell that Gilbert cared about the child because he was always so nervous about anything happening to her stomach. She said all that on purpose just to provoke Kelvin into telling her why Gilbert lied to her, and the trick seemed to work.

“Gilbert cares more about this child than anyone else. He tried his best to hide the pregnancy from you because he was afraid that you would hate the child and get rid of them behind his back.”

“How is that even possible?!” Kisa suspected there was something wrong with the man. ‘There should be zero doubt as to how much a woman loves her child. Even if I died, I wouldn’t let my child suffer any harm. How could he possibly think I’d kill my child behind his back? Ugh! That man always has th vildest ideas.’

*Kisa, Gilbert cares about you and the child. He has been very distressed duri all this time. He worked so hard to hide the truth from you. On the one hand, he had to come up with excuses to lie to you, and on the other hand, he worried about your health.”

“That’s a messed-up way of thinking. He didn’t have to hide my pregnancy from me.”

“He was scared. He didn’t want to take any risks. He told me that when your belly grows bigger, you would care more about the child and be more reluctant to get an abortion. He tried his best to conceal this secret all because he wanted to keep the child.”

Kisa did not understand Gilbert’s choice of action, but Kelvin’s words shocked her. ‘This man actually cares more about this child than I imagined,’ she thought.

“Think about it, Kisa. Gilbert really loves you. You shouldn’t be doubting him all the time, or he’ll be sad.” After Kelvin finished speaking, he shook his head and left the room with a sigh.

Kisa waited in the room for a long time, but Gilbert did not return. She lay on the bed, unable to fall asleep as she thought about Kelvin’s words.

Suddenly, there was a light knock at the door…

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