Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 466

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 466

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 466

Chapter 466 The Miso Soup He Cooked

When he came out again, he had a small bowl of soup in his hand. He put the

soup in front of Kisa and said with a natural expression, “This is the miso soup I

cooked for you. Drink it before you eat breakfast. Otherwise, your stomach will

get upset, and your head will hurt.”

Kisa looked at the muddy soup in front of her and was a little creeped out.

“D-Did you say this is miso soup?” she swallowed and frowned as she pushed

the soup back to him. ‘It is muddy, like poison. Who dares to drink it?’

Gilbert saw her disgusted look and was not too happy. Despite having never

cooked soup for anyone in his entire life, he purposely followed the video tutorial

to make such a bowl of miso soup because he was afraid she would wake up

with a hangover. But she did not like it. Gilbert brought the bowl of soup in front

of her again and said, “I cooked this for you myself. It is not hot. Drink it. it

Kisa frowned, not able to hide the disgust on her face. “I appreciate your

kindness. Didn’t you also drink last night? You drink it.”

Kisa was about to push the bowl of soup back again when Gilbert pushed

against it with a finger, stopping the bowl in place. “Drink it.” He commanded in

a low voice.

Kisa was exasperated. “I will not drink it. You have ruined the miso soup and still

have the nerve to ask me to drink it. What if it is poisonous?”

“Well, you see if it is poisonous,” Gilbert said as he picked up the bowl of soup

and took a mouthful. He then pushed the remaining half of the soup to her.

“Take a good look. Have I been poisoned?”

Kisa rolled her eyes speechlessly. ‘He has lousy cooking skills, yet still forces

others to drink them. No one is more thick-skinned than he is.”

Seeing Kisa still dare not drink the soup, Gilbert softened his tone. “Drink it. It is

good, and it is also for the good of your stomach. Haven’t you just recovered?”

Kisa was not used to hearing him speak with such a concerned tone. She

lowered her head and held the bowl of soup. “Do you really want me to drink it?”

“I’m not forcing you to drink this soup because I cooked it, but you have just

recovered from your illness recently. I’m worried—”

“Okay, okay, I will drink it. I will drink it now.” She could not stand to hear Gilbert

say such words of concern. It crept her out when a man who hated her to the

bone and caused her so much pain suddenly became concerned about her. She

hurriedly held up the bowl of soup and poured it down her throat lest Gilbert

would nag her again. The soup was muddy, as if poisonous, but the taste was

excellent. Kisa drank it all in one gulp, then looked at him with surprise. “This


“It tastes good, isn’t it?” He snorted with a smug look on his face.

The three children beside her snickered as Kisa pouted and put the empty bowl


“Ma’am must be scared of taking medicine,” Ada said.

Gilbert chimed in. “You’re right. She had resented taking medicine since she

was a little girl. She had to eat candy after taking medicine every time.”

Kisa looked at Gilbert, amazed by how well he could still remember those

childhood trivia.

Andrew covered his mouth and snickered. “That is the same as Ada. She also

has to eat candy after taking medicine each time.”

“Is that so?” Kisa looked at Ada in surprise and amusement. ” Maybe it is

because girls like candy.”

Gilbert glanced at Kisa and the children with mixed emotions inside him. He told

himself that unless Kisa returned to him sincerely, he would never tell her the

identity of these two children. Gilbert never knew if Kisa would use the children

against him. For the children, he did not dare to take the slightest risk.

After breakfast, Gilbert drove the children to school while Kisa volunteered to

take care of the dishes. After cleaning up, she was about to leave the house

when the doorbell rang

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