Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 467

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 467

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 467

Chapter 467 He Built You a Grave

Kisa subconsciously went to open the door and was stunned to see Davian

standing outside with a case of wine in his arms. “What are you doing?” she


Davian came in past her and put the wine on the table. “Have you forgotten that

Mr. Kooper has asked me to send a case of wine over? Here you go. Where is

Mr. Kooper?”

Kisa could not believe that Gilbert really asked Davian to bring a case of red

wine over. She felt more and more that Gilbert was a bit childish.

Davian took the wine out, set it up for her, and asked, “Where is Mr. Kooper?”

“Well, you take the wine back. Didn’t I tell you Mr. Kooper was joking with you?”

“Please, Mrs. Kooper. This wine is so rare that I had to go to many places

before I managed to buy a case. I don’t want to lose my job to someone else.”

Kisa pursed her lips and thought for a moment. “All right, but you have to

answer a few questions.”

Davian was puzzled. “Sure, Mrs. Kooper.”

“What was Gilbert doing five years ago when the prison fire started?”

“Five years ago?” Davian thought for a moment and said, “Mr. Kooper was at

Mrs. Kooper Sr.’s side. I clearly remember it was New Year’s Eve. Everyone

else decorated their homes and was cheerful,

but the Kooper residence wasn’t. Mr. Kooper was at his grandma’s bedside

without saying a word. I suggested taking you out first to spend the New Year

and then returning you to the prison only after the New Year, but he said


Kisa laughed self-deprecatingly. ‘Gilbert hates me the most. No way he would

bring me out of prison.’ “He felt happy after he learned about my death, didn’t


Davian shook his head. ” He didn’t seem very happy, but he built you a grave

and even kept watch over your tombstone for days and nights without eating or


‘A few days and nights at her tombstone? That sounds inconceivable to me.’

“Madam, what else do you want to ask?”

Kisa subconsciously shook her head.

“Then I will leave now. Could you please put in a few good words for me in front

of Mr. Kooper if it is convenient for you?”

Kisa nodded. As Davian was about to leave, she suddenly thought of something

and hastily called out to him. “Do you know who Andrew and Ada’s mother is?”

Davian’s expression froze. After a while, he shook his head. “I don’t know.”

“You have worked for Mr. Kooper for so long, and he entrusts you with handling

most of his affairs. I can’t believe that you don’t know about such an important

thing as who the mother of his children is.” Kisa was skeptical. Others might not

know it, but it was unusual that even Davian did not. Besides, she was curious

about why Gilbert hid the mother of his two children.

“Well, Mrs. Kooper. Don’t overthink. When the time is ripe, you will know the

mother of Mr. Kooper’s two children.”

“What do you mean by that? Why should I wait until the time is ripe? You—”

“Mrs. Kooper, I have a lot of things to do. I have to go now.”

Kisa tugged at him. “But you know when Andrew and Ada were brought back to

the Kooper family, right?”

“T-They were brought back to the Kooper family on New Year’s Eve five years


‘Five years ago, on New Year’s Eve? Wasn’t that the day Andrew and Ada were

born? So they were taken back to the Kooper family as soon as they were

born?’ She was confused, but all her thoughts pointed to a bold presumption.

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