Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 600

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 600

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 600

Chapter 600 Everyone Has a Different Life

“The slope is long. Those who have rolled down the slope will vanish in an instant. I don’t know if both of them are

still alive.”

“It’s hard to tell,” Adrien said casually.

Anthony chuckled, “I don’t think you want them to die. After all, our revenge won’t be fun anymore if they die, right?”

Lea shrank aside in shock.

‘Why did Adrien seek revenge on Gilbert and Kisa? What hatred does he have for Gilbert and Kisa? Besides, this

trip was organized by Adrien. Is taking revenge on Gilbert and Kisa his real purpose? What do they mean by test?

Based on their conversation, Adrien is the one who wants

to test how much Gilbert loves Kisa. But why did he do

the test?‘


Adrien put his hands in his pockets and chuckled, Everyone has a different life. They won’t die if they are lucky. I can’t do anything if they are unlucky and fall into a fatal spot, right?“.

“Ha–ha! Mr. Tanner, you take things philosophically. So,

why can’t you let go of those hatreds?”

“So what? You can’t even let go of the small matter. Just leave my deep hatred alone.”

“Well, I always seek revenge for all grievances, even a small one. That’s why I can’t compare with you. But…” Suddenly, Anthony looked at Adrien with great interest as he said, “What kind of hatred do you have for them?”

Adrien always showed a poker face. He exhaled the smoke and chuckled, “You’d better not ask those questions. It’s bad for you to know too much.” He turned around and looked at Lea with a murderous look immediately after he


Anthony’s face changed slightly. He said quickly, “She’s a pawn I placed next to Kisa. I still need her.”

“There’s no guarantee she’ll keep the secret for me.”

“She will. She’s very timid and loyal to me. She’ll never tell anyone about the matter today.”

“Really?” Adrien chuckled. The murderous look in his eyes remained undiminished.

Lea was trembling, frightened to the bones.

Anthony growled at her suddenly, “You won’t tell anyone

about the matter between Mr. Tanner and me, right?”

Lea stayed silent and just stared at Anthony in fear.

Anthony rushed to her in a few steps, pulled her hair, and said coldly, “I asked you something. Why aren’t you answering? Are you daydreaming?”

Lea shook her head hurriedly. “No. I–I won’t tell anyone

a word.”

“So, how would you explain what happened today to


Lea trembled, and her face turned pale.

“I-I would say Emma knocked me out, and I don’t know what happened after that.”

Anthony was fairly satisfied with her answer. He looked back at Adrien. “What do you think?”

Adrien smiled and remained quiet.

Suddenly, Anthony threw Lea to the ground, patted his hands, and said to Adrien embarrassingly, “Sigh, I

couldn’t care less about her if she wasn’t such a good pawn who gained Kisa’s trust. You also know it’s more convenient to have a pawn beside Kisa. She’ll be useful as long as Kisa is still alive. So, let’s keep her for now.”

Adrien snickered, and his cold eyes narrowed slightly, which made people frightened. Then he chuckled, “Okay, she’ll be alive as long as she can control what she says. Otherwise…” Adrien did not finish his sentence, but the dangerous tone was obvious.

Anthony yelled at Lea hurriedly, “Did you hear Mr. Tanner’s words?”

Lea curled up abruptly. She nodded hastily, “Yes. I–I’ll definitely watch my words.”

Adrien snorted and was about to leave.

Suddenly, Anthony called him again.

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