Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 601

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 601

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 601

Chapter 601 You Have to Make It Real

“Do you want to send someone to rescue both of them?”

Adrien glanced down the slope and said casually, “No. It’s useless to send someone to rescue them if they are dead,

but it’ll reveal our true colors. Let them be alone for a few days to improve their relationship if they are alive.”

“Improve relationship?” Anthony smiled, “Mr. Tanner, when did you become the matchmaker? Didn’t you have a grudge against them? Why are you so kind to improve their relationship?”

Adrien flicked ashes away from his cigarette and said casually, “I have my plan. The deeper their love, the more interesting the game of revenge will be.”

Anthony looked at Adrien’s back in puzzlement until he was far away. Then he said angrily, “How sly!”

Lea was shocked and hadn’t recovered. Her whole body

was still slumped in the snow.

Anthony pulled her up irritably and warned her in a cold tone, “You heard what Mr. Tanner said. You’ll die if you dare to reveal anything.”

Lea shook her head with a pale face. “No. I–I really won’t

say a word.”

“Hmph! You should have fainted since you said Emma knocked you out.”

“W–What do you mean?” Lea trembled.

Anthony sneered, “You have to make it real.” A rabbit punch fell on Lea’s neck after.

Lea lay unconscious in the snow immediately.

“Uh!” Gilbert fell into a cave and groaned softly in pain when he landed badly. He lay on the ground and could not get up for a long time. This fall almost killed him.

‘Kisa might fall badly too if she fell along with the snow.‘

There was a dull pain in Gilbert’s body, and his limbs

were weak. He took a breath, then pushed himself up.

As the cave’s interior was huge, Gilbert hastily looked for Kisa. He soon found Kisa fainted on the ground behind him on the right. Enduring the pain all over his body, he hurriedly crawled over to her side.

“Kisa, wake up. Kisa…”

Kisa groaned. Her eyes opened groggily, glancing at him

before passing out again.

Gilbert could not help but be relieved when he saw Kisa

was still alive. He raised her head slightly, resting it on his lap, took off his coat, and covered her.

After helping her, Gilbert took out his phone to ask for help and realized there was no signal when the phone was turned on. He took out Kisa’s phone too, but there was no signal at all. He put down his

phone, propped his hands back on the ground, looked up, and sighed.

‘Seems like we fell into the depths of the forest. This mountain is huge, and the hot spring area developed by Peter is just a small part of it. We fell into a remote place without a signal now. It might be hard for Davian to find us.‘

Gilbert looked at the cave behind his head again.

‘The cave is small and vertical. It’s about two meters long and one meter high. There is a lot of snow at the entrance of the cave. The cave’s entrance is probably hard to discover from the outside.

‘Fortunately, I jumped down from the place where Kisa fell. Otherwise, I might not have fallen into the cave. The entrance of the cave is about four meters from the

ground. There is nothing we can use to climb. It may be

hard to go back up.‘

Gilbert sighed softly, and his eyes fell on Kisa again.

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