Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 610

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 610

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 610

Chapter 610 What Do You Want to Do?

“You!” Kisa was sad, and when she heard what he said, it instantly bummed her out. ‘I really, really can’t talk to this man about feelings, or I will definitely be pissed off.‘ His EQ was high in business but low in relationships. Kisa was so pissed that she thought she might as well keep her

mouth shut.

Gilbert also stopped talking, and the already depressive atmosphere became even tenser.

Feeling irritated, Kisa subtly moved her body, pulling away from him. This time, he did not draw her back to


“Want to sleep?” He suddenly spoke from above her head.

“What?” Kisa subconsciously responded.

“If you don’t want to sleep, let’s do something else,” he

said in a flat tone of voice.

Kisa’s body involuntarily tensed up. “W–What do you

want to do?”

Gilbert knew she was thinking the wrong way as soon as

he heard her tense and defensive tone of voice. He

snickered, and his eyes glowed cunningly in the darkness. “What do you think?”

“H–How do I know what you want to do?”

“I want to…” The man deliberately drew close to her ear and said in a low and ambiguous tone, “do the things you think about in your head.”

“Gilbert!” Kisa pushed him away in annoyance, as she could no longer stand his shameless tone, especially since they had just fought.

Seeing that she was angry, Gilbert stopped joking with her. He felt for his phone, turned it on, and looked at the time–it was past three in the morning.

Kisa saw the light of the cell phone and could not help but say, “Since you have a cell phone, why don’t you call them for help?”

Gilbert rolled his eyes at her. “If the phone has a signal, do I still need you to remind me of that?”

Kisa pursed her lips as she could not find a word to respond. He suddenly stared straight at her, and that stare seemed to be anything but innocent. Kisa frowned. She followed his eyes to look down and saw her naked body. She took a deep breath and slowly pulled up the

down jacket to cover herself up, then hissed at him, “Jerk!


“If I wanted to do something to you, I would have done it already. Why wait until now?” Gilbert said.

Kisa looked away and ignored him. The rustling sound of someone dressing up suddenly came to her ears. She glanced sideways at him and saw that he had gotten dressed. He wore a pair of black pants and a thin, light gray sweater. Kisa felt for her own clothes under the down jacket and quickly put them

on while he was not noticing. Feeling more secure now, she sat up and put on the sweater. As she put on her pants, she asked, “How are we going to get out?”

Gilbert raised his eyes toward the entrance of the cave. “It is still snowing. Let’s wait until the snow stops.”

Kisa said nothing and put her jeans back on. She felt a

dull pain in her back, which she knew should have been caused by the fall. She glanced at Gilbert and thought, ‘ His mass is much heavier than mine. Didn’t it hurt when

he fell?‘

But Gilbert did not seem to be in pain at all. Instead, he walked around the cave with his phone as if he was looking for something.

Kisa ignored him and put her socks and shoes back on. While putting on her down jacket, she suddenly found

two loaves of bread in her pockets. Lea had given them to her in the morning, but she did not want to eat them at the time, so she just put them in her pockets. She was already a little hungry, and when she saw the bread now, she was even hungrier.

She glanced at Gilbert and then walked over to him.

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