Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 611

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 611

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 611

Chapter 611 You Didn’t Do That On Purpose, Did You?

“Here you go!” She held out one of the slightly larger loaves of bread to him.

Gilbert glanced down at it, then at the bread in her other hand, and said disdainfully, “Do you think I’d eat a sweet thing like that?”

“You!” Kisa was really pissed off. She took the bread back. “Forget it. Why are you still so picky in time like this?” She sat back down at the place where she had just slept. Seeing that his coat was still on the floor, she reached out and picked it up before throwing it at him. “Put it on, or you will bother me if you get sick.”

“Put it on. You are much weaker and more likely to get sick.” Gilbert threw the coat back again, landing on her body. The coat still carried the warmth of their body.

She looked at his thin sweater and said, “I’m not very cold. I won’t get sick. So you should put it on.” Kisa was

about to throw the coat back.

Gilbert suddenly sneered. “Stop playing tough with that kind of body of yours. You will only trouble me if you get

sick.” He always sounded so mean.

Kisa clenched her hands, wrinkling the coat. “I wouldn’t

care about you if you were sick!”

Gilbert shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

Kisa was so pissed that she withdrew her eyes and wrapped that coat around her; she was feeling a bit cold, anyway. She now felt much warmer than she had just been. Ignoring Gilbert, she sat cross– legged on the ground and ate the bread. The two pieces of bread were small. The largest one was only a little bigger than her palm, and the other was about the size of her fist. Kisa unwrapped the smaller one first. She was starving. She raised her eyes to look at the still snowy cave entrance, wondering when the blizzard would stop, and even if it stopped, they still had to find a way up. So, she figured they might have to stay in this cave for a long time, and she did not dare to finish the bread in one go. She broke off half of that smaller bread and put the remaining half back into the packaging.

She took a bite from the half she broke off and asked the man not far away, “Are you sure you don’t want to eat?”

“No thanks,” he said without looking back at her.

“Fine.” Kisa pouted and put the remaining half of the bread into her pocket. The bread was already small, half

of which was even smaller, so Kisa took a small bite each time. Just as she finished half of it, Gilbert suddenly came over with a pile of firewood.

Kisa was bewildered. “I didn’t know there was firewood in

the cave.”

“They are all dead and broken twigs, so I guess they were either carried in by birds or blown in by the wind,” Gilbert said, placing the twigs he picked up in front of her. The twigs were piled up in a heap. Immediately after, Gilbert took out a lighter from his pocket. He squatted down and tried several times before he successfully ignited the


Now that there was fire, Kisa felt her calves warm up. She gladly stretched out to warm her hands.

Gilbert glanced at her and asked with a smile, “Warm, isn’t it?”

“Uh–huh.” Kisa nodded her head, then something came to mind, and she stared at him. “Since there are dead twigs in this cave, and you have a lighter on you, why

didn’t you start a fire instead of using ‘that‘ method to keep warm?”

Gilbert had no words.

“You didn’t do that on purpose, did you?”

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