Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 615

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 615

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 615

Chapter 615 I Won’t Leave You Behind

“Don’t worry, if I really get sick, I will hit myself against the wall and definitely won’t become your burden in the slightest!” Kisa instantly pulled her hand back, her eyes

reddening as she stared at him with resentment and

aggrievement. “Also, if my foot can’t get better and you have found a way to get out, leave. I definitely won’t hold

you back,” she said with utmost determination.

Gilbert was upset to hear what she said. He told himself

to be patient and softened his tone of voice. “I don’t

mean that. I just want you to stay well, and we can leave this cave together. Only this way will the chance of us being rescued become greater. What will I do if you fall ill or your foot injury worsens?”

“What do you mean? You can just go by yourself.”

“Then wouldn’t my jumping down with you be all for naught?”

Kisa stared at him, not saying anything. ‘Hell knows why he jumped down after me.‘

Gilbert held her hands tightly again and said in a deep voice, “You know it; there is no way I would leave you


Kisa looked away, feeling it ironic, and she really did not. know that. Just then, a serious question came to mind. She turned to look at him and asked, “Did you see me fall down the snow slope with your own eyes?”

Gilbert nodded his head.

“Then why didn’t you call Davian and the others for help then? The spot where I fell is right next to the borderline. There should have a signal, right?”

Gilbert had no words.

Kisa cocked her head to look at his slightly lowered head. “You are not so stupid that you don’t know that, are you?


Gilbert looked up. His eyes narrowed with a dangerous look. “Who are you calling stupid?”

“Whoever answers me will be stupid.”

“Kisa!” Gilbert got furious and shook off her hand. “I shouldn’t have saved you, you ingrate.” He got up and walked toward the pond, thinking to himself, ‘When I saw her fall down the slope, I was anxious as hell and had no time to think and just went after her. Yet this action was stupid in her eyes. She is such an ingrate!‘

Kisa glanced at him from behind, still feeling it ironic. ‘ He taunts others yet doesn’t allow others to taunt him. and call him stupid, which he is. Had he called Davian

before jumping down the snow slope, we would have been rescued long ago and wouldn’t have been stuck in this cave, freezing and starving.‘ When she woke up in the morning earlier, she had already

eaten half of the bread but was still hungry. But she endured it and did not eat the remaining bread, as she did not know how long she would be stuck here. Kisa touched the bread in her

pocket and then reluctantly pulled her hand back out. She tried hard to ignore the existence of the bread, but the hungrier she was, the more she thought about it. She wondered if Gilbert was really not hungry. While thinking, she heard a growling sound like that of a

hungry stomach. Kisa was puzzled because it did not

come not from her. She looked at Gilbert in surprise but

only to meet his sullen eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that. That sound didn’t come from


“Yeah.” Kisa rolled her eyes. “That came from the idiot,” she said. ‘Heh, he is still trying to deny it. There are only two of us in the cave. If not him, who else?‘ Knowing the man’s bravado, Kisa said nothing more but just called out

to him, “Come here for a minute.”

Gilbert had just picked up the thick branch in the bushes when he heard her call out to him. He could not help but frown. “What?”

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