Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 616

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 616

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 616

Chapter 616 You Didn’t Listen Again

“Just come over here.”

“Say what you have to say!”

“Come over here and I will say it.”

“Then you had better keep it to yourself,” Gilbert said nonchalantly and continued to bend down to collect


Kisa glared at him, then staggered to stand up with one leg.

Gilbert caught a glimpse of her action, and his face

darkened instantly. “I told you to stay where you are? You are not listening again.” He came for her as he spoke.

Kisa pouted. “I called you so many times, and you didn’t come over, so I had to go over to you.”

Gilbert pressed her to sit down. “What do you want to talk to me about?”

“Nothing, just trying to get you to eat something,” Kisa said, taking the last of the bread out of her pocket.

Gilbert furrowed his brows. “This kind of stuff, I—”

“Come on. You had better stop being picky. You try to be tough with your mouth, but your stomach is honest. Eat

some and save yourself from fainting because of physical


“Heh, am I that weak?”

“You just look that weak right now.‘


He had stubble on his chin, his eyes bloodshot, looking

haggard. But that still did not hide his inherently

sophisticated aura.

Kisa unwrapped the bread and broke half of it for him. Eat some, so you have the strength to think of a way out.

Gilbert pushed the bread back to her. “Keep it for

yourself. There are wild fruits over there. I will go eat the

wild fruits.”

“How can those be eaten? What if they are poisonous?”

“I already ate one last night. There is nothing unusual

about my body, so I guess it is not poisonous.”


“Alright, we don’t know how long we are going to be stuck here. Keep this bread to yourself, and don’t mind


me,” he said, then got up and walked toward the pond.


Kisa stared at him from behind, her eyes inexplicably

welling up. ‘He said he didn’t leave the bread for me on purpose? He is such a liar.‘

There were a lot of red fruits about the same size as small red dates in the bushes over the pond, not very good- looking. There was no way to tell if they were edible. Gilbert squatted by the bushes, plucked a few of the

fruits, and put them into his mouth.

Kisa was still worried. “Is it really not poisonous?”

“Whether they are poisonous, I can only eat this. That bread of yours is, at most, only enough for you to last

another day and night. I will try this fruit first. If, after a

day and night, there is still nothing wrong with me, then it proves that this fruit is not poisonous, and you can also

eat it.”

‘Is he testing the poison for me?‘ She squeezed the bread tightly and tried not to think about it. But looking at his

broad shoulders from behind, she could not help but feel

touched. Only in this cave, where the grudges and grievances between them could lay latent, she and he

were unwilling to mention them again. At this moment,

they both had only one common goal, to survive this ordeal. So those grudges and hatred really did not seem to

matter anymore.

Another night had passed. In the morning, Kisa woke up from the cold. The fire beside her had gone out, not even a spark left, but only a bit of residual warmth and white smoke. The firewood she had collected was all burned out, so she had to collect it again. She glanced at Gilbert across from her; he was facing the fireplace on his side, one hand under his head as a pillow, one hand casually resting on his waist. Kisa did not want to disturb him. She quietly got up to collect firewood. The lighter was next to her. She had to gather some firewood to get the fire going again, as it was the coldest time of the morning. She

pounded her cold, stiff legs, then slowly got up from the ground. Her heart burst with joy as soon as she got to her


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