Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 618

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 618

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 618

Chapter 618 I’m Afraid There Will Be No More Chance

Their lips met in a fiery kiss as Gilbert closed his eyes, completely engrossed but with an inexplicable sadness and sorrow on his face. Kisa struggled and punched him out of anger. But no matter how hard she tried, he did not let go of her.

He kissed her for a long while until she was about to suffocate. Only then did he let her go. Both of them looked like they were exhausted, with him lying on the ground with a smile and Kisa on top of him, panting softly. Her face was leaning on his chest, and her ears could clearly hear his heartbeat. The powerful heartbeat after heartbeat finally dispelled the fear inside her.

“You scared the hell out of me just now,” she mumbled.

“Don’t you hate me? You should be happy if I really die.”

“Who will take me out of this place if you die? If you die, I will also die in this empty cave with you,” Kisa said sullenly, with a touch of grievance in her feeble voice.

Gilbert smiled. “So this is the reason, apparently.”

“What else do you think the reason is?” Kisa was still reeling from what had just happened, the anger in her

voice lingering for a long time.

Gilbert hugged her and suddenly fell silent. He stared at the bright cave opening for a long time before saying, “If I say I will bring you out of here, I will.”

“That opening is so high above the ground, and there are no vines around to climb. How do we go up?”

“Don’t worry. I have come up with an idea.”

“Really?” Kisa was instantly hyped up and in disbelief.” You have really thought of a way out of this cave?”

Seeing her excited look, Gilbert forced a smile. “When I say I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, I won’t let anything happen to you.” He stressed it again, his tone

full of determination.

Kisa’s heart skipped a beat. She could not understand why a man, who used to be so disgusted with her, sweet- talked her now. She half propped herself up from his body and said, “Let’s go out now since the blizzard has

stopped. We don’t know if it will snow again. If it does, we will be done for.” While speaking, she wanted to get off his body.

Gilbert suddenly pulled her back into his arms and murmured in a hoarse voice with a touch of unintelligible

complex emotion. “Let me hug you a little longer, as… as I’m afraid I won’t have the chance again.”

Kisa’s heart skipped a beat upon hearing the second half of his sentence. “What do you mean by not having the chance again?” Having just been frightened, she could not take any bad news again.

Gilbert said with a sly smile, looking at her tense expression, “It is only in this cave you will let me hold you like this. But will you still let me hold you like this when we return? So, now is a rare opportunity, and I have got to hug you a little longer.”

“Come on, don’t joke around here. Let’s get out of here now. If there is a blizzard later, we will die here.” She somewhat found his sweet talk awkward and could not get used to it. She braced her arms to get off his body, but Gilbert wrapped his hands around her waist, unwilling to let her go.

“Don’t move. Please listen to me.” He spoke in a low voice, which reeked of exhaustion and frailty.

Kisa thought of him having not eaten anything for so long and knew that he must be weak. So he stopped struggling and lay on top of him again with her face on his chest. She then asked him in a low voice, “Do you

think we are far from the hot spring area? How do we go

back after we get out of this cave?“

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