Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 619

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 619

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 619

Chapter 619 Just Let Me Hug You

“We rolled down the snow slope. The hole is three- dimensional, with the lower side being the place where we rolled down from. Follow that direction, and you will be on the right track. After going for some distance, turn on the phone to see if there is a signal. If there is, contact Jensen, and let him come to your rescue; if there is still no signal, turn… turn off the phone. Remember, before you get rescued, make sure your phone still has remaining charge.”

Listening to what he said, Kisa frowned involuntarily, as he sounded strange. She looked up at him. “Aren’t we going out together?”

“Yeah, we’re going out together.” Gilbert smiled.

Kisa stared at his smiling face, which looked a bit pale and felt an unexplained fear rising within her. “Gilbert, are you feeling unwell?”

He shook his head. “No. It would be nice if you let me hug you, and… and it would be even nicer if you let me sleep with you.”

Kisa blushed and jokingly hit him. “We are already in

trouble. Stop making this joke already.”

Gilbert smiled faintly, reaching out to take her into his arms again. Kisa felt warm, lying in his arms. She wondered if he felt cold lying on the cold, wet ground.

So she whispered, “I will get some more firewood and make a fire.”

“No, that is fine.”

“A–Aren’t you cold?”

“Not at all.”

Gilbert’s s eyes were closed, and his voice was low and breathy, like someone who was about to fall asleep. So Kisa felt that something was not quite right about him. She patted him on the shoulder and asked, “You will not fall asleep again, will you?”

Gilbert’s lips curled up in a smile. “Why would I? I’m not that sleepy.”

“Then why are you—”

“Come on. You’re so verbose and noisy.”

Kisa pouted and said nothing more. The two of them just lay there. Even in the freezing snow, there was still a

touch of warmth in the air. Gilbert did not speak again. His eyes closed as if he was asleep. Kisa could not sleep, as she was starving like hell. She just wanted to get out of this hellhole.

Out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly caught a glimpse of wild fruits at the pond’s edge. She propped herself up and carefully got up from Gilbert’s body. This time, Gilbert did not react to her movement, seemingly asleep. She studied Gilbert’s face, which looked tired and weak. Kisa thought, ‘He must be tired and hungry after going hungry for days. Let him sleep a little longer.‘

She hopped to the edge of the cave wall, which had a large number of twigs. After a while, she had collected a pile of them. She set up the newly collected twigs back to the fireplace and then took the lighter to light the fire. Without a kindling, it was a little hard to ignite just the twigs. She tried a few times and finally ignited one. She quickly took a few slender twigs, put them together, and let them

catch fire. As they all started to burn, she put all those burning twigs under the firewood she had set up, and soon the fire grew.

She glanced at Gilbert and could not help but smile, figuring that he would feel warmer this way. She picked up some more twigs, threw them in the fire, and then

hopped to the pond. The fruit plants at the pond were

facing the cave entrance. With enough sunshine, it was growing very well. Kisa picked a lot of them— so many that she could not carry them all with her hands. So she put some in her pockets. She then picked a good–looking one, wiped it with her clothes, and was about to put it in her mouth. Just then, a low voice shouted, “Don’t eat that!”

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