Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 694

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 694

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 694

Chapter 694 His Plan

Kisa’s chest heaved violently as her forehead was covered with sweat. She hurriedly got out of bed and ran outside without any thought. Breakfast was here. Gilbert took out the food and couldn’t help but say, “You’re awake. Come and have breakfast,” when he saw Kisa running out of the room.

However, Kisa did not seem to have heard what he said and ran straight to the door to check the lock. Gilbert frowned slightly. “Kisa, what’s the matter with you? Why are you checking the door lock so early in the morning?”

Kisa was still immersed in the nightmare that she had just had. She pulled on the lock and said, “I dreamed that the killers picked the lock, rushed in here, and stabbed us with knives. It was scary. It felt so real; the knives they held are still engraved in my mind.”

Gilbert leaned back against the chair and sneered, “That dream happened because you keep thinking about it. Aren’t you tired of worrying so much, Kisa?”

Kisa ignored his snarky remark. She stood by the door for a while and tried to adjust her emotions. Gilbert glanced at her, and his tone softened a little when he said, “Wash up and come eat some breakfast.”

“I’ll tell you what to do to get rid of those killers when we eat.” After washing up, Kisa saw Gilbert smoking a cigarette by the window, unable to guess if he had had his breakfast yet.

She sat down at the table and took a bite of her sandwich. “What’s the plan?” she asked. “I was looking at the map yesterday and realized there are two ways to get to Hillsby. One is the usual path shown on the GPS, while the other is a little further away, passing through two towns.”

Kisa listened silently to what Gilbert had said. ‘Is he going to change the route?‘ she thought. ‘Those killers are like wolves on a hunt. They’ll definitely be able to catch up even if we change courses.‘

As she was thinking about it, Gilbert said, “There are several towns in this county, one of which is Riverton. Starting from Riverton, we’ll pass through to the next town, go through the suburbs, and return to our original route. I saw a bus that was heading to Riverton when I was here yesterday. I’ll bring you to the station after you finish your food, and you can take that bus to Riverton.”

Kisa’s heart skipped a beat.

“What about you?” she asked.

“I’ll be going with our original plan.” Kisa frowned when she heard that.

“Why are we splitting up? Won’t the situation get worse if we split up? The killers will be going after us separately.”

“I’ll be luring them from the suburbs. That way, you can reach Riverton safely and wait for my arrival.”

“No…” Kisa frowned and said. “They’ll catch up no matter how well you try to distract them. There’s no point in making such a detour.”

“That’s why I have to let them witness my death.”

Upon hearing that, Kisa frowned even harder. “You’re going to fake your death? Do you really think they would fall for it?”

“Well, that’ll depend on how great my acting skills are,” Gilbert puffed out smoke rings and said in a calm manner. Kisa felt a tight knot form in her heart. ‘This is not just a matter of realistic acting skills; it’s a matter of life and death,‘ she thought.

“Speaking of realistic acting, wouldn’t they find it suspicious if they saw that I’m not with you?” Kisa said hurriedly.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make them think that you’re in the car with me. All you have to do is secretly take the bus to Riverton.

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