Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 695

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 695

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 695

Chapter 695 I Won’t Wait For You Forever

Kisa lost her appetite for breakfast. “I think it’ll be more convincing if I fake my death along with you,” she said to Gilbert in a serious tone. “Are you sure you can fake your own death? I’m afraid that you might actually die,”

Gilbert sneered.

The man looked at her and said faintly, “You’re not as fast nor as good at acting as I am. You’ll only be holding, me back if we don’t split up.” Kisa was speechless upon hearing this. She squeezed the sandwich in her hand, her heart feeling extremely uneasy.

“Eat faster. I’ll bring you to the bus station after you finish. If my predictions are correct, those people will be tailing us as soon as we leave the hotel. There’ll be swarms of people at the bus station. I’ll take advantage of the crowd and let you go when the time is right so that they wouldn’t notice.”

“So you want me to wait for you at Riverton. Shouldn’t you give me a time frame for when we’re meeting up? I can’t possibly wait for you there forever, can I?” Kisa put down the sandwich and asked.

“Let’s say… Before it gets dark today. You can stop waiting and go to Hillsby alone by car if I’m not there by the time the sky gets dark.”

Kisa’s heart skipped a beat once again. “If that’s the case, why should we take the risk to find those two jailers? Why don’t we just stay here in Calthon?”

“How can I prove my innocence if I don’t find them? I don’t care about anything as long as I can prove to you that I did not set that fire. As mad as I get sometimes, I, Gilbert, have yet to get to the point where I kill my own wife and children.”

‘So all he wants to achieve from this trip is to convince me of his innocence.‘ The persistence seen in Gilbert’s eyes left Kisa speechless. She looked down at the almost untouched breakfast, feeling very confused. Gilbert did not say anything else; he just looked out the window and quietly smoked.

After a long time, he finally finished his cigarette. He turned over to look at Kisa and said, “If you don’t feel like eating, then we should get going. We must use this method to get rid of them today. Otherwise, escaping from their siege in the outskirts would be hard. It was just a fluke that we were able to get rid of them yesterday since they had a large number of people.”

Kisa pursed her lips and stayed silent as she got up to pack her belongings, which all fit into a backpack. Gilbert saw her carrying her load, zoning out, and he could not help but say, “Don’t worry. It’s just for today. After this, we won’t be in danger anymore.”

“After you arrive in Riverton, find a hotel. Don’t walk around town unless it’s an emergency. Just wait for me at the hotel.”

Kisa lowered her gaze, pulled the zipper of her backpack, and said in a deep voice, “I won’t wait for you forever. Once it gets dark and you don’t show up, I’ll leave.”

“Okay,” Gilbert said with a slightly bitter smile. ‘She’s indeed a fickle woman,‘ he thought.

It was nine o’clock in the morning when they left. Gilbert’s predictions were correct; as soon as they drove out of the hotel’s parking lot, four black cars followed.

The sun was shining, and many cars and people were on the street. Kisa looked back through the rearview mirror and saw a red and white car separating them from the four vehicles. The bus station was right past the traffic lights.

“You heard what I told you last night, right?” Gilbert suddenly asked. Kisa’s attention was focused on the vehicles behind her, making her a little tense. Gilbert’s question was so unexpected that she could not react in time. Seeing that she was silent, Gilbert asked again, “I’ll ask you again. If I could prove that I had nothing to do with the fire, is it possible for us to get back together?!

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